Thursday, January 2, 2025

Mark Your Calendar


Monday July 3rd, Paradise Green Farmer’s Market, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Vegetables, fruits, food, crafts, non-profits, come one come all!

“Forest to Shore StoryWalk Tour”.  StoryWalk 2: June 27th at Clover Field until Tuesday, July 4th.  A StoryWalk is a book, with pages separated and laminated on wood stakes that are placed along a path or trail for people to walk and enjoy a story. The program is funded by a grant from the Connecticut State Library & Library Services and Technology Act.  The Tour features five StoryWalks each lasting about a week at various locations around Stratford. During the week of each StoryWalk there will be a “Main Event” program at the site. Topics will be relevant to the site.

Thursday, July 6th, Square One Theatre Company summer showcase.  Stratford Library  Lovell Room, 7 p.m.  First-come, First-served.  Doors Open at 6:30 p.m.   General Seating.  Adult Audiences, please. FREE! July 6th:  Pie In The Sky, Lawrence Thelen’s bittersweet comedy finds a mom and daughter making a pie at 4 a.m.

Save The Date Stratford Events:

July 17th: Neighborhood Breakfast at Stratford United Methodist Church, Saturday July 17th, free community breakfast 8:30-10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month: July 17th and August 19th.  They offer hot food and community for those in need.  Enter through the back of the church.  Enjoy a meal and visit the thrift shop, which has affordable clothing, toys, and household items.

July 22nd: Grill and Chill sponsored by First Congregational Church of Stratford will be July 22nd.  Movie “BIG”, Burgers, Hot Dogs, all welcome.  Rain or Shine (if it rains all activities will move into church hall.)  Reservations are suggested. Please sign up at For questions, please contact Amy Elias at [email protected] or (917) 557-0245.

Celebrate Stratford: Multiple events, next up Fireworks then Blues on the Beach!


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