This week’s question:
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
Some candidates chose not to respond at all to the final section of the candidate questionnaire, or responded only to subjects that directly concern the office for which they are running.
The Stratford Crier Editorial Staff
Board of Education
Chris Cormier
Board of Education
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
Stratford Democrat BOE Platform
- Ensure equity across the district
- Invest in teachers and classrooms
- Increase parental and community involvement
- Advocate for behavioral health resources
As I wear many hats (Dad, Teacher, Advocate), I see the importance of viewing our educational system through different lenses.
I see that teachers, well educated, competent, caring and generous individuals, are sometimes viewed as workhorses, and their input is not considered relevant. Teachers on the ground see what programs work and what programs do not. They complete arduous trainings to implement the programs that the administration decides to purchase.
We have seen ELA, Math and Intervention programs come and go, usually within a few years and just as we hit our stride and see real life improvements. This is usually around the time that the program publisher requires the remainder of the financial investment or additional funding to continue accessing the entire bank of program materials. I would push for implementing chosen and tested programs longer than the approximate 3-year trials, essentially seeing the investments through.
I would also advocate for continuing the process that the BOE currently has in place and that I have seen firsthand: bringing together multiple stakeholders (teachers, admins, parents, BOE) as a Program Evaluation Team to review programs in depth. This work was completed over the past year for our new ELA program and presented to the Curriculum committee. We endorsed the well researched recommendation of the Team to the Board and I stand by that recommendation. I believe that I could be a key member in helping continue to move this process forward.
Another issue that needs addressing is the adjustment of student populations in our schools. Since the demagnification of Stratford Academy, there has been an increasingly inequitable distribution of the number of students in our schools. When that happened, our own family was in line to move our little pack to the Academy. As Dads, we made the decision to waiver and keep our formerly bussed children at Franklin School for the love of the community there and the continuity of our children’s elementary education. This came at a cost of transporting the boys in the morning and paying childcare to pick them up in the afternoon. I had that luxury, but many do not.
What I have seen is that there is an inequity within our town, and as hard as the faculty and staff work to support our children, WE need to make the change so that all of our children get to learn in classrooms that have full access to resources and are not maxed out in population while other schools and classrooms are well under. That study is underway as we speak.
I believe that we have excellent resources in our families, faculty and staff, and I believe we all want what is best for our children. There is nothing in this campaign for me personally except that should I win, I will have the opportunity to do the right thing for the families, faculty, staff and children of Stratford. I commit to advocating on their behalf using my own experience and skills, just as I would for my own boys.
Jill D’Angelo-Powers
Board of Education
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
Stratford has hired an outside company to conduct a comprehensive districting study on our schools. Once the study is complete, I hope to work with other Board of Education members to apply the findings in order to support a data-driven approach to making equitable decisions for our district’s short-term and long-term future, so that all Stratford children receive a quality education.
Additionally, I understand that parent participation is critical to the success of our children. Supported by my leadership with the Stratford Academy Johnson House PTSA, I will also continue to identify strategies to better support parents and help facilitate their engagement. I will serve as a conduit between families of Stratford Public Schools and the Stratford Board of Education.
Celeste Burnett
Board of Education
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
I am committed to providing the same opportunities to all of our students, and engaging our parents, families, and communities in the education of our children. My strong relationships within my community will help build connections with families that have not always felt “a part” of the system. I support remote video conferencing for accessibility and to foster trust within the broader community educating our children.
I support an educational environment that prioritizes student well-being with our children learning how to deal with and hopefully heal from whatever stressors – whether individual, environmental, or structural – to achieve their goals and become successful youth… and adults.
Bill O’Brien
Board of Education
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
I was excited when I read that Governor Lamont is forming a “Kids Cabinet”. My idea for a “Kids Cabinet” is one comprised of students of all ages. It would offer them an opportunity to share their concerns and ideas for improving their daily lives in school. Also, we need to offer all staff an avenue to share their concerns, issues, and ideas – without fear of retaliation. I’d like to see us go after all available state and federal funding to provide air conditioning in all the schools. And we must all work with our state representatives to get a fair amount of ECS funding.
Note: Not responding to the question were BOE candidates Kim Murphy, Republican and Alec F. Voccola, Republican.
Town Council Candidates
Rachel Rusnak
Town Council District 1
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
As a lifelong learner and daughter of a public-school teacher, I recognize the great value of a public education. Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” A strong, well-rounded education will provide Stratford’s youth with the foundation to do just that – create their own future. A well-performing school system will also impact the future of Stratford; it will determine whether Stratford is a Town that young families will choose and will impact the value of Stratford properties. I believe that it’s the role of the Town Council to work collaboratively in partnership with the Board of Education. This election presents an opportunity to bring a new perspective to the Town Council and the Board of Education – candidates with a clear and shared focus on public education and improving student outcomes.
Chris Green
Town Council District 2
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
We need a healthier partnership between the Town Council and the Board of Ed. The Mayor’s budget has repeatedly undercut the school’s budget request without sufficient justification.
In this year’s ordinance committee BOE budget workshop, superintendent Dr. Osunde was immediately interrupted by Chairwoman Dancho, informing him he didn’t need to present because they already had received his budget. Working around this impasse, the superintendent asked the committee to discuss how the gap between the school’s needs as demonstrated in the BOE budget request and the towns’ proposed allotment should be resolved. He was told: “That’s your job” by the chairwoman.
The Council Majority has resisted and obstructed productive collaborative conversations with bizarre talking points that demonstrate either a desire to mislead or a shockingly poor understanding of the process – especially when it comes to surpluses.
The existence of school budget surpluses in the range of 1% have been used as evidence of fiscal mismanagement by the schools. Would you be disappointed in your budgeting if you went to the store to spend $10 and came back with 10 cents? Would deficit spending be preferred? I was shocked to see these surpluses used by Councilman O’Brien in his Crier Profile as evidence that Republicans are fully funding the school budget.
Does having change left over when you go to the store mean that you had enough cash to get everything you needed? No. A person adjusts what they spend based on what they are given. They will cut to cover the gaps. I will collaborate to ensure the town and schools understand each other’s needs looking out over multiple years, and champion solutions that are fair to taxpayers while also giving our schools the best chance to succeed. Long term, strong public schools are essential to a prosperous community for all.
Gavin Forrester III
Town Council District 2
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
As a former chairman of the Stratford Board of Education, I know the difficult decisions facing our elected Board Members. While the Town Council has no say in how budgeted funds are spent by the Board of Education based upon State Statutes, we must work together to find solutions. Finding a way to improve schools and enhance student engagement and growth can be difficult, especially because there are so many elements involved in a school district’s decision-making process when trying to make changes. Not to mention, once a school district implements changes, it takes time, data collection, and research to determine whether those changes have proven successful or not. Regardless of the gains, modifying and adjusting to acquire additional improvements is an on-going, never-ending process.
To assist in finding ways to improve the educational experience, here are the areas worth considering when schools are looking to take education to the next level:
Technology – Teacher Training and Development – Cultural Activities and activities outside of the classroom – Student/Parenting Counseling – School Maintenance and upgrades to buildings – Parent/Teacher Communication and Engagement – Continued Board of Education Member Training as provided by CABE (Connecticut Association of Board of Education)
Alvin O’Neal
Town Council District 3
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
To sit down with the superintendent and go over the factual findings of our BOE’s current status. Then strategically work together with our superintendent and our elected BOE members to adequately fund our BOE to be able to achieve the goals they need to be successful.
Anthony Aowusu-Afriyie
Town Council District 5
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
It is crucial everyone has access to high-quality education at the onset of life. Thus, I am adamant that every child deserves equality of opportunity. I know the importance of education because my parents never graduated from high school, and I want to work to ensure every student has access to what they need to succeed. I will champion implementing universal Pre-K as a necessary tool to lower the achievement gap.
Rafael Irizarry
Town Council District 5
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
We need to funding better the education .offer. more programs and bilingual..looking for the better used money .for education….more opportunities .involved in the community . .We need to looking better in land used..and presernvesion…..Well we support mutal respect .for better for are Town coming firt .are people living and pay taxes.coming firt..we need leadership in mutal respect. and consideracion…The people living in Stratford. and pay taxes.coming firt..the politics making accountabilidy..for boucher. and persolnal agenda …This are Town. respect..
Phil Young
Town Council District 6
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
One way to improve our public schools is to increase communication between the Administration and the Board of Education. I’m sure other candidates are saying this as well, because I’ve spoken to several of them about it. There is such animosity between the two that it leads to distrust on both sides. Budget discussions turn into fights every year, so that the students are the ones who get hurt. I propose that the school liaison, some one from the BOE, or from the school administration, make monthly reports to the Town Council. It will become a standard agenda item. This will be a “quick state of our schools” item, with quarterly “state of our schools financially”. I would also propose to tie the school budget to the cost of living. Then the schools will get yearly increases, but have to come and prove why it is needed. Hopefully this would calm yearly budget fights, but give the opportunity to accurately budget for the future.
Kaitlyn Shake
Town Council District 7
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
We need more leaders that support the Stratford Public Schools: our teachers and teachers unions, our staff, our para-professionals, our nurses and our students. I fought hard last year to secure an additional $1M for Stratford schools, and I will continue to have their back through thick and thin. It’s easy to sit back and criticize the Board of Education, but it shows true integrity and leadership to roll up your sleeves and get to work. I have, and will continue to do this, for Stratford schools.
Jean Marie Sutton
Town Council District 7
What solutions would you contribute to improving our public education system?
As a mother of two teens, both products of Stratford Public Schools, I have a personal relationship with our education system. I am proud of the diversity in our district and impressed every day by some of the opportunities not often available in other districts or private schools. In my opinion, the behavior, absenteeism, classroom size, and mental health of our students should be a key priority. With 56% of our tax dollars going to our Board of Education, we need to continue to support fiscal responsibility while focusing on improvement. Electing the right officials to the Board of Education and Town Council, and forging a cooperative relationship between both Boards, will make all the difference. We need to make the Board of Education transparent in fiscal responsibility and policy to improve our students’ opportunities.
Carl Glad
Town Council District 8
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
Providing for our children’s education is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of a municipal government. As a community, we have an obligation to prepare our children to succeed in the future. We must also continue to attract families to our town that are dedicated to their children and our schools, and retain those same families that are already living in our community. To do that, we must invest in the best teachers, quality facilities, advanced technologies and curriculum. Our Board of Education is charged with proposing a school budget that will provide those things. The Town Council funds that budget proposal. As such, the Town Council, Board of Education, and Superintendent need to work together so that each understands the other. In my experience, successful government budgeting requires regular, open, honest, and transparent communication among the parties involved. I have the experience, demeanor, and dedication to build the relationship with the Board of Education and the Superintendent to ensure that level of communication. With that relationship, we can fund a budget that will allow us to fulfill our obligations to our children. As a member of the Town Council, I will always fund a school budget that provides for a safe, supportive, and dynamic educational system.
Mark Juliano
Town Council District 9
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
I would like to work more closely with BOE to collaborate with them on funding.
Also, the strategic plan looks awesome. I would want to work on the amendment that was slipped in the state budget and make sure Stratford gets supplemented all it deserves. We need to stop this roller coaster ride every time funding comes up. Maybe more closer working with BOE. I’m sure there is a lot more we can do. Remember, to me it’s all about the children and teachers.
Kathleen Callahan
Town Council District 10
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
I would advocate for an ongoing collaborative partnership between the Town Council and the Board of Education. From my view, it appears that the current situation is one of the more contentious within the town government; from my heart, it cannot remain so. The Town Council can appropriately leverage the BOE Liaison Committee and increase bi-directional communication with the residents throughout the year to avoid our annual budget process angst.
Many residents have requested something for our youth to do beyond school hours, and what that “something” is could potentially improve our school system. The hope is that we are investing in and nurturing the whole child, youth, or teen, yes? Positive, expansive experiences outside the classroom will support the school environment and I would be interested in investigating a centrally located youth center, for both play and learning, activities and mentoring, skill-building and skill-sharing.
Note: Not responding to the question were Town Council candidates Thomas “Bryan” O’Connor, Republican, District 1; Joe Bertone, Republican, District 3; Ed Scinto, Republican District 4; Kerry Whitham, Republican District 6; Alan Llewelyn, Republican District 9; Paul Aurelia, Republican District 10.
Land Planning
Paula Sweeley
Zoning, Zone 1
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
Schools must be funded to provide class size and quality programs commensurate with other high quality school systems in the state. The future of our youth, our real estate values and the desirability of our town to attract families is tied to the quality of our schools. Sufficient allocation of funds, and utilization of volunteers in the schools can enhance our school programs.
Joe Gerics
Planning Commission District 1
What solutions would you contribute to improving our Public Education System?
While I spent my career in Catholic education, I support a strong and vibrant public education system. For Stratford, this begins with fully funding our schools. I endorse Stratford Public Schools’ strategic goals of high quality instruction and meaningful learning, preparing students for future success, recruiting and retaining exceptional faculty, and partnering with families.