Thursday, December 26, 2024

Letter to the Editor


The Rules are for You and Not GOP Lou

By Dave Mullane

Since this Bridgeport AB (Absentee Ballot) scandal drawing lots of attention, I shake my head with comments by Stratford “leaders” Ben Proto the State GOP Chairman and State Senator Kevin Kelly, who is the Republican Minority leader in the State. These 2 are raging about election fraud and voters losing faith in the process yet in their hometown of Stratford they have done nothing, and when I spoke with Kevin Kelly, he told me he wasn’t in charge of the zoo at Town Hall, and he has no control over what the SEEC does.

I reported voter fraud involving Stratford Republican Registrar Lou Decilio, who is also Proto and Kelly’s local RTC chairman.  Proto was even Decilio’s handpicked Deputy Registrar of Voters before Proto resigned to become the CT GOP state chair. I wish these 2 leaders showed as much concern for our hometown as they appear to be showing about the voting scandal in Bridgeport.

My original complaint is 7 years old, it was improperly investigated by the SEEC and Stratford Town Hall wanted nothing to do with it. In the end a $300 fine was issued to one person while there was evidence of up to 4 people being involved in casting 5 fraudulent AB ballots. Stratford has a history of close elections being won by less than 5 votes and we are in another local election season this year which can be very close.

Right now there’s a Stratford Voter Fraud case hanging out there involving a Maria Perez/ Maria Roach from 2021. This case has not been resolved. Why is this process so slow and why has Republican Registrar Lou Decilio been allowed to remain in office when was never cleared of fraud?

Leaders like Proto and Kelly just turn their backs to fraud in their own hometown and say we have no control over that it’s someone else’s responsibility. Why do Proto and Kelly even care about Bridgeport now? Oh yeah, it’s Democrats involved.



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