Monday, October 28, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Police Union Endorsement


All Opinion pieces and Letters to the Editor reflect ONLY the thoughts of the writer, and not those of the Stratford Crier or its Editorial Board.

By Kyle Corcoran

The Stratford Police Union, Local 407, endorsed Kaitlyn Shake for State Representative. This is because Shake is pro-labor. She will make it a priority at the State Capitol to ensure that ALL police officers have a pension.

The sad truth is that police officers die twenty years earlier than the average citizen. The stress that officers face on the job and injuries that they may incur can have dire consequences. This early death rate is a policy failure.  Kaitlyn Shake sees it as such and will fight for them in Hartford.

 Her opponent, who gives lip service to supporting police officers, did nothing to help pass a police pension bill at the State Capitol these last two years. 

I am voting for Kaitlyn Shake on November 5th because she is serious about protecting pension retirement benefits that our brave men and women who serve & protect so richly deserve.


  1. That is ONE of the reasons why I voted for Kaitlyn. There are many more. She sees needs in the community and gives her all to address them. She has represented the citizens of our town, including the police and the teachers, who both deserve the best, on the Town Council. Now we need to elect her to the State Legislature. She will do good things there on the state level. 👏👏👏


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