State Representative Joe Gresko, (D)
121st Connecticut House District
Dear Neighbor,
I’m pleased to share with you that the Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF) has awarded Stratford $2,446,463 to renovate the interior and exterior of the South End Community Center (SECC). These improvements will allow for expanded after school program capacity, additional office space for social sQervice programming, a larger community food pantry, increased daycare enrollment capability, and improved accessibility for seniors.
‘This funding is a long-term investment in Stratford’s prosperity, as the South End Community Center is an important resource to many residents in our town. It provides a welcoming space for individuals of all ages to come together and participate in a variety of activities and programs. I’m proud to have helped secure this funding because these necessary improvements to the building will allow the SECC to continue to serve our community for many years to come.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me at the Capitol at 860-842-0363 or email me at [email protected].