You better cry
You better pout
I’m telling you why, Center School Development back on Town Council Agenda for Monday Night!
Come one, come all, let your voice be heard.
It’s Back: Stratford Town Council Agenda for Monday, December 12th calls for a vote on Center School. This move, done during the usual “political lame duck” season, is going forward. This, despite strong opposition from town residents, not engaging in additional discussions (or residents being able to question developers during a public meeting) with concerned citizens, an outpouring of citizen feedback at recent Public Forums, and a strong showing in a petition.
Only the developers, representing attorneys, and 1 member of the RDA (Redevelopment Agency) spoke positively of the developments. Impassioned residents decried the proposals as “ridiculous” and “outrageous,” while others chastised Town leadership for anointing developments that would not pass muster in the North End.
From Town Council Agenda for December 12th
1.1 TABLED JULY 11, 2022:
There is a perception that the Town is disregarding the neighborhood, which is designated as being in a Historic District (The Town is able to locate new developments in the historic district due to the Transit Oriented District (TOD) overlay, created in 2015. Existing traffic and environmental issues also have not been addressed.
Let Your Voice Be Heard:
The Stratford Town Council will conduct a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 7:00 Council Chambers of Stratford Town Hall, 2725 Main Street, Stratford, CT.
To Sign the Petition Go To:
The manner in which this has been reintroduced and brought to a Council vote is ANYTHING BUT DEMOCRATIC. It is as if the emotional outpouring of citizens against the development last July never happened and doesn’t matter. The action of the Council on Monday night will signify whether they truly represent THE PEOPLE OF STRATFORD who CLEARLY DO NOT WANT THIS SALE TO GO FORWARD!!!