Tuesday, January 14, 2025

VAX Facts


The state is releasing information about how many individuals are vaccinated in all Connecticut communities. As of February 18th, 2021, 6,678 or 12.88% of Stratford’s population had been vaccinated with a first dose.

Stratford clinics have dispensed 3,812 vaccines to date. It’s important to keep in mind that Stratford is part of a larger regional and statewide vaccination network and effort. Stratford does not vaccinate ONLY Stratford residents – many residents and first responders have been vaccinated at locations outside Stratford, and conversely, many from outside of Stratford have been vaccinated here.

Clinics will continue at Birdseye every Tuesday and Wednesday based on vaccine supply and eligibility.

Governor Lamont recently announced that the state will continue taking an age-based approach to distribution of the COVID vaccine, making the following update to the vaccine schedule:

The planned schedule is as follows:
March 1, 2021: Expands to age group 55 to 64
March 22, 2021: Expands to age group 45 to 54
April 12, 2021: Expands to age group 35 to 44
May 3, 2021: Expands to age group 16 to 34

The State has spelled out additional individuals who are eligible for vaccinations in Phase 1b, those additional individuals include:

Residents between the ages of 65 and 74
Residents between the ages of 16 and 64 who have underlying health conditions that
put them at greater risk of the virus
Residents and staff of congregate settings
Frontline essential workers

Following the Governor’s orders, our clinics are now open to Stratford residents 65 years of age and older. We are encouraging everyone to register online through the CT DPH portal at https://dphsubmissions.ct.gov/OnlineVaccine. Registering in the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) provides you with flexibility in securing an appointment at any area clinic, including at the Stratford Health Department.

Vaccine clinics require an appointment (no walk-ins accepted) to be made in advance. When viewing the directory of vaccine clinics, click on ‘More Details’ for specific information about how you can schedule an appointment at each location. Some locations offer online scheduling through their website or electronic health record, others allow scheduling by phone, and some locations can be booked through the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS).


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