Friday, July 26, 2024


BOE Termination of Osunde

Dr. Uyi E. Osunde Termination Update Editor’s Note: In last week’s Stratford Crier we noted that Board Chair Mike Henrick’s letter to Dr. Osunde was shared with the Board of...

BOE Redistricting Forum

South End Board of Education Forum on RedistrictingConducted on Monday July 8thTown Notification filed on June 26th, Facebook Notification Monday, July 8thBoard of Education...

The Real Facts About the BOE Budget

Contributions by Stratford Crier Staff The recently passed Board of Education (BOE) budget has significantly changed our education system, affecting programs, staffing, and student services....

Stratford Democratic Town Committee

Press Release regarding Dr. Uyi Osunde The Stratford Democratic Town Committee has issued a press release strongly condemning the recent vote to terminate Dr. Uyi...

Board of Education Special Meeting June 6, 2024

BOE Votes to Terminate Superintendent Dr. Osunde4-3 Vote The Stratford Board of Education, by a 4-3 vote along party lines, has decided to terminate Superintendent...

BOE Votes to Fire Superintendent Uyi Osunde

By Barbara Heimlich and Michael SuntagStratford Crier Editors In a statement emailed to the Stratford Crier, Attorney Todd Steigman, Dr. Uyi Osunde’s attorney issued the...

School Redistricting

Special Meeting of the Board of Education Redistricting Implementation Still Unresolved The Special Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Board Chair...

SLAM Presentation on Redistricting

May 20, 2024 - SLAM Presentation on Redistricting As reported in a previous issue of the Stratford Crier, the school board is working with the...

BOE Finance Committee Special Meeting

May 21, 2024 - Finance Committee Special Meeting Items for discussion were the possible actions on the fiscal year 2024-2025 proposed Stratford Public Schools budget....

ALPHA vs AIP (Alternative Instructional Placement)

INCLUDE | ENGAGE | INSPIRE Sources:  State of Connecticut; Stratford Board of Education Annual Report; Acting Superintendent Heather Borges By Barbara HeimlichEditor The most contentious subject during...

ALPHA – Not a Punishment But A Gift

By Barbara HeimlichEditor The ALPHA program is an extension of our high schools, designed to provide more intense and personal support to high school students...