Arts & Lifestyle
Wheels Up : Topic Stratford Greenway Project
Susmitha Attota, Town of Stratford Planning Director
Featured Speaker at the Stratford Rotary Club
Susmitha Attota, Town of Stratford Planning Director, was Harold Watson's guest speaker at the last meeting of...
Arts & Lifestyle
Books! Books! Books!
This week we are pleased to present Booked Perspectives, a new monthly column of book reviews by Nikkya Hargrove, owner of Obodo Serendipity Books...
Build Your Own Board Game!
March 13 - April 03Thursday’s @ 6:30 P.M.-7:45 P.M.Sterling House Community Center
Cost: $35.00Open to everyone from ages 8 to 98!
Put your imagination and creativity...
Arts & Lifestyle
CT Budget Explained
State of CT Comptroller Sean ScanlonStratford Rotary Club
Sean Scanlon, CT Comptroller, and the husband of a Guilford, Ct Rotarian, was the featured speaker of...
Stratford St. Patrick’s Day Festivities
Stratford Town Hall
Irish Flag to be raised at 9 AM on Monday, March 17thIrish Mayor for the Day Terri SheehySoda Bread Contest for the...
Arts & Lifestyle
Fashions of the Gilded Age
Lifestyles of the WealthyStratford Library
Sunday, March 9th at 2 PMGeneral seating begins at 1:30 PMLovell RoomFree and open to the public
Historian Karen Antonowicz is...
Arts & Lifestyle
Stratford Library Kids Events in February
Winter Storytimes
10:30 A.M.Registration is required
Mondays, Toddler Time for ages 0-2
Tuesdays, Preschool for ages 3-5
Thursdays, Baby Lapsit for babies 0-18 months.
Friday Fun offers...
Arts & Lifestyle
The Stories We Tell
A Lifetime of Service
By David WrightTown Historian
A Lifetime of Service
From the early through the mid-1900’s, few figures loomed larger in Stratford’s history than did...
Arts & Lifestyle
“Meet-the-Author” Event at Stratford Library
Thursday, February 27th at 6:30 PMFree and open to the publicLovell Room
Bridgeport author Andy Piascikwill discuss his new book, Radical Connecticut: People’s History in...
Arts & Lifestyle
Stratford Rotary Club Updates
Zawadi Obrien from Bunnell High School Wins the 4-Way Speech Essay ContestNew Stratford Rotary Club Inductees
Saturday February 8th, Rotarians met in the Stratford Library...
Arts & Lifestyle
Drowning in Veterinarian Bills Fundraiser
STARS Donations Needed
Due to various factors, including multiple cruelty cases, STARS is currently overwhelmed by veterinarian expenses, with no relief in sight.
If we are...