Friday, July 26, 2024

Town Meetings

Traffic Safety Cameras

Smile….Your Speeding and Reckless Driving Now On Camera!!! Traffic Safety Cameras Approved by Stratford Town Council Source: Stratford Town Council Minutes from July 8, 2024 The Stratford Town Council this week unanimously...

Hot Topics – School Redistricting and Dr. Osunde

June 24, 2024 - Board of Education Monthly Meeting The BOE monthly meeting was standing room only, and it was clear after the Public Forum...

School Redistricting

Special Meeting of the Board of Education Redistricting Implementation Still Unresolved The Special Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Board Chair...

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6:00 PMBirdseye Complex cafeteria, 468 Birdseye StreetPublic Meeting to Comment on the Plan Join the Town of Stratford & MetroCOG to...

Town Council Special Meeting Results

Information is taken from the minutes of the meeting, which are available in its entirety at: A Special Meeting of the Town Council took place...

Town Council Approves 2024 – 2025 Budget

Stratford Crier Editor’s Note:  At press time the Special Town Council Meeting video had not been posted on YouTube; the minutes of the meeting...

Once More, With Feeling! BOE Budget on Agenda

Ordinance Committee of the Stratford Town Council April 29, 2024, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCouncil Chambers of Stratford Town HallPublic Hearing Scheduled to commence at 6:00...

SLAM BOE Study Narrowed Down

Two Options SelectedAdditional Public Forums in May By the Stratford Board of Education The BOE Plant/Planning sub-committee voted last week to advance two redistricting options from...

SLAM Study Shuffles School Children in Stratford: Part II

Middle Schools By Barbara HeimlichEditor Source:  SLAM Presentation to Board of Education Meeting on April 4th The Board of Education redistricting committee (Plant and Planning) has received...

SLAM Shuffles School Children in Stratford

Board of Education (BOE) School Plant Planning Committee Meeting Thursday, April 4, 2024 By Barbara HeimlichEditor Background: The BOE School Plant Planning Committee has for many years...

Addendum to March 29th Teakwood Estates Minutes

Mr. Waite made a motion to deny without prejudice. The motion was seconded by Mr. C. Blake. The motion carried unanimously. B. Carey, representing LandTech third party review, did not get updated storm plans until Monday and had not had a...