All of us at the Stratford Crier wish you a Blessed and Joyful New Year! We’re thankful for your readership, and the opportunity to serve our hometown with the best in local journalism.
The Editorial Board
David Chess, Board Chair; Barbara Heimlich, Editor-in-Chief; Andy Byrne, Board Member, Copy Editor; Tucker Chase, Board Member; Thomas Newman, Board Member, Arts & Lifestyle Editor; Walter Owusu, Board member, Co-Health Editor; Orna Rawls, Board Member, Co-Health Editor; Rachel Rusnak, Board Member; Mike Suntag, Board Member; Amy E. Wiltsie, Board Member; Sarah Chess, Social Media
Thank you,members of the board, for your dedication to keeping us informed. I sincerely appreciate all your hard work.
May you have a healthy,happy, peaceful New Year.
Thank you for reading.