Friday, July 26, 2024

Martin Luther King Day 2023


A Morning of Discussion and Service
Celebrate, Honor, and Learn

Monday, January 16th
Beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Last year, Sterling House Community Center decided to shift how we honor Martin Luther King Day from a day off to a day on – in service and discussion.

Martin Luther King Day will be celebrated in Stratford this year beginning with multiple events.

The Morning  @ The Baldwin Center, 1000 W Broad Street

9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Breakfast and Panel Discussion

MLK Panel: Our Panelists will discuss what MLK Day means to them and how it plays a part in their everyday lives.

Featuring the following and more…

Yvonne Temple, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professional

John Ramos II, Assistant Principal at Bunnell High School

Donald Smart, Licensed Attorney, leader of 2022’s discussion on Critical Race Theory

Ashley Hampton, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Board Member of Sterling House Community Center

Jeffrey Fletcher, President of The African American Collections, Inc. as well as Executive Director of The Ruby and Calvin Fletcher African American History Museum.

Need childcare?

We have you covered! We are offering free childcare from 9:30 – 11:30 for our Panel and Discussion attendees. Your child will enjoy MLK coloring and activities while you participate in our discussion.

**Please be sure to mark that you need childcare while registering and we will be in touch with additional confirmation and information.

The Afternoon  @ Sterling House Community Center, 2283 Main Street

11:30 – 1:00 p.m.

Service Opportunities: Help Stratford’s Largest Food Pantry with Resource Connection Director, LeAnne Reynolds.

Storytime: Discover the wonder of a tale with professional storyteller, Laconia Therrio.

MLK Read Aloud: The read aloud with Dr. O is back! Follow along with an MLK Day-inspired storytime.

Art Exhibit: Visit Art Alliance’s Strength in Colors Art Exhibit- artists were asked to show us what unites us, rather than what divides us.

Featuring the following and more…

Dr. Uyi Osunde, Superintendent of Stratford Public Schools

LeAnne Reynolds, Director of Resource Connection for Sterling House Community Center

Laconia Therrio, A therapist, a chaplain, and the Director of Behavioral Science of Stamford Hospital’s Family Medicine Residency Program

Community Discussion Activity: Reflect on your own experience with members of your community through an interactive activity.


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