Thursday, February 13, 2025

Primary Challengers Crash and Burn


Party Endorsed Candidates Win Both Races

Endorsed candidates Dianne Nolan (D8) and Linda Chaffin (D9) solidly defeated their challengers Dick Brown and Rick Marcone in Tuesday’s Primary Election.

Democrats in these districts resoundingly declared their support for qualified candidates to move on to the November 2nd election.

Here are complete, unofficial results from the two Democratic primary elections for Town Council on Tuesday.

In both cases, voters overwhelmingly chose new, progressive voices –endorsed by the party — instead of one-time party stalwarts who had yoked themselves to the GOP.

  • Endorsed candidates by the Stratford Democratic Town Committee
  • Nolan’s huge margin came despite typical, GOP-style, last minute, inaccurate attack ad. She was up against a much better known opponent who worked the phones like crazy and, as a realtor, had seemingly sold homes to half the voters in the district.
  • Chaffin’s huge margin came despite little campaigning.  Marcone, a former Democratic town chairman, had twice run in the district as the Democratic town council candidate and was much better known. He took the race very seriously.
  • For the first time in memory, about half the votes cast in each election contest came via Absentee Ballots. (AB Percentage was 33% for Stratford in 2020 presidential election).

Dianne Nolan presently teaches at Central High School in Bridgeport, is a union building delegate, directs the Summer Springboard Program at Yale, and is a member of the ESPN3 Basketball Broadcast Crew at Quinnipiac University.

Dianne Nolan and her husband Mark have owned a home in Stratford for over 30 years, and lived at Oronoque Shores for seven years.  They are the proud parents of three boys and two granddaughters.

Linda Chaffee is passionate about civics and community participation having spent her career as a Volunteer Director and Certified teacher, eventually combining her passion for teaching with community service work.  She taught character education through service in districts throughout the state of Connecticut, for 13 years. Most recently, in 2018, she worked with a student group to introduce and pass state legislation to eliminate polystyrene in schools. The group also worked tirelessly to eliminate plastic bags in our state.






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