Monday, January 13, 2025

Stratford Crier Correction:


An editorial note on the IWC (Inland Wetlands Committee) public hearing on the Teakwood Estates Development Hearing scheduled for Wednesday, December 20th at 7 p.m. in Town Council Chambers beginning at 7 p.m.

“The dates and times of all IWC meetings are set by the Commission. In fact, those date and times were just voted upon by the Commission. The state is only setting the statutory timeline in which decisions must be made on applications. For example, the Commission votes to meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, but the state statute reads that we have only so many days to reach decisions – they list in terms of 30 days following acceptance, or 60 days following the opening of a public hearing, etc. The statutory timeline is provided in the staff memo for each application.”  Kelly F. Kerrigan. Environmental Conservation Superintendent. Town of Stratford.



The Stratford Inland Wetlands Commission will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, located at 2725 Main Street, Stratford, Connecticut pursuant to notice duly given and posted to hear the following:

2022-23: Clearcutting inland wetlands and upland review area without the benefit of a permit.  Proposed construction of a single-family dwelling and associated infrastructure. Map 5.18, Block 3, Lot 22 James Farm Road. Violator/Applicant: Willie McAllister

2023-20: Nineteen Lot Residential Subdivision. Address: North of Broadbridge Avenue, West of Ronald Road, West of Teakwood Drive, East of Ridgefield Drive. Assessor’s Reference: Map 20.13, Block 1, Lot 1. Applicant: Teakwood Estates LLC

A copy of the proposed application is available for public review in the Conservation Division of Public Works located at 550 Patterson Avenue, Stratford, Connecticut; and online at

The public hearing will be immediately followed by a regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission.

Ed Scinto, Vice-Chairman, Stratford Inland Wetlands Commission

Special Message: Any individual with a disability who needs special assistance to participate in the public hearing should contact the ADA coordinator at (203) 385-4020 or 385-4022 (TDD), Five (5) days before the scheduled meeting, if possible.


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