Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Stratford: The Stories We Tell


Stratford’s Other Witch

By David Wright, Town Historian

Witchcraft hangings were ended in the Colony of Connecticut in 1663, when Governor Winthrop returned from England. Governor Winthrop insisted from that time forward that no one could be hanged for the crime of witchcraft without two witnesses providing the same testimony damning an accused witch. That requirement essentially ended witchcraft trials. Governor Winthrop was not a believer in witchcraft to begin with.

The hanging may have ceased, but the accusations against men and women who were perceived as different, outspoken, or possessing property that could be acquired upon the death of its owner, did not cease. Neither did the desire to hang an accused witch.  Witchcraft trials continued in Connecticut until 1693, following the infamous Salem witch trials.

While most of us are aware of Goody Bassett’s trial and hanging in 1651, most people are surprised that there was another not so well-known witch trial in 1692. Perhaps even more surprising was the accused witch was a man. Hugh Crotia was accused of witchcraft, tried, and released, due basically to a substantial lack of evidence. More amazing still is the fact that Mr. Crotia confessed to forming a contract with the devil to work evil in Stratford. Despite Hugh being found not guilty, he still had to pay his jailer for the time he spent in jail, the cost of his trial, and all costs associated with arresting him.

The following is one of the rare existing records of a witch trial. The record is printed as it was originally written in 1692, replete with the spelling of the time. 

The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut,

by John Metcalf Taylor, 1908

“Hugh Crotia, Thou Standest here presented by the name of Hugh Crotia of Stratford in the Colony of Connecticut in New England; for that not haueing the fear of God before thine Eyes, through the Instigation of the Devill, thou hast forsaken thy God & covenanted with the Devill, and by his help hast in a preternaturall way afflicted the bodys of Sundry of his Majesties good Subjects, for which according to the Law of God, and the Law of this Colony, thou deseruest to dye.”Record Court of Assistants, 2: 16, 1693.

The arrest—Satan the accessory—An alibi—The confession—A contract to serve the devil

“Fayrfield this 15 Novembor 1692 acording as is formed that hugh Crosia is complained of by a gerll at Stratford for aflicting her and hee being met on ye road going westward from fayrfeild hee being met by Joseph Stirg and danill bets of norwak and being brought back by them to athority in fayrfeild and on thare report to sd authority of sum confesion sd Croshaw mad of such things as rendar him undar suspecion of familiarity with satan sd Crosha being asked whethar he sayd he sent ye deuell to hold downe Eben Booths gerll ye gerll above intended hee answared hee did say so but hee was not thar himself hee answereth he lyed when he sayd he sent ye deuell as above.

“Sd hugh beeing asked whethar hee did not say hee had made a Contract with ye deuell five years senc with his heart and signed to ye deuells book and then seald it with his bloud which Contract was to serve ye deuell and the deuell to serve him he saith he did say so and sayd he ded so and wret his name and sealed ye Contract with his bloud and that he had ever since been practising Eivel against every man : hee also sayd ye deuell opned ye dore of eben booths hous made it fly open and ye gate fly open being: ajsked how he could tell he sayd he deuell apeered to him like a boye and told him hee ded make them fly open and then ye boye went out of his sight.

“This examination taken and Confessed before authority in fairefeild before Us Testis the date above

“Jon. Bur, Assist

“Nathan Gold, Asist.”

” The Grand Jury upon consideration of this Case returned, Ignoramus. . . .

“This Court do grant to the said Hugh Crotia A Gaol (jail) Delivery, he paying the Master of the Gaol his just fees and dues upon his release and also all the Charge laid out on him at Fairfield, & in bringing him to prison.



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