Monday, January 13, 2025

Broken Promises


The Soap Box

By Timothy Bristol

It’s budget season again and the current budget proposal for Stratford in 2024 by Mayor Hoydick raises the mill rate to 40.20 mills. This would put the Stratford mill rate at the highest it has been since 1993. The current administration has brought the mill rate to a 30 year high. Mayor Hoydick said in defense of her proposed mill rate hike “My proposed budget balances the realities of our town’s finances and the current economic climate that all of us are feeling right now.”

Don’t let the Republicans in the Town Council or Mayor Hoydick off the hook for not managing the town’s finances correctly. The Republican members of the town council should refuse this rate hike. I expect my Town Council representative, 7th District Councilwoman Jean Marie Sutton, to refuse this rate hike and vote no on any budget that includes a tax increase as that is what she campaigned on. She should keep her campaign promises.

This must be an easier proposal for the Mayor since she is not up for re-election this cycle, and most of the Republicans in the Town Council are being term-limited out. But residents of Stratford must hold this administration and Town Council accountable for raising our taxes when promising to lower them.

The current administration is banking on the State budget to bail them out. The state budget could provide the town with additional funding and let them amend their proposed rate hike. This should have never happened to begin with. The only thing the Republicans in Town Council knew how to do in the past was make performative gestures like lowering the mill rate by .05 mills every year to give the perception they are doing something. The only thing they have done was get bailed out by the state each year when the budget had a short fall.

Don’t let the Republicans get away with promising to lower taxes while raising them.


  1. Perhaps now that it is more balanced on the Town Council, Dems can have more say and efforts moving forward can be more partisan. I do say, the town looks great, but at what cost? New vehicles galore, New Fire trucks, new police cars every second year. One can see that there may be some excess in the spending area. Dems need to actually get out and vote. Perhaps things can be different for Stratford’s future. I have been in my home here for 28 years. I would sure like to keep it. Stratford is the only place I have ever lived, a great town (IMO). .The threat of being “priced out” is a frightening reality. Very informative article Mr. Bristol! Have a Great Holiday season to All Stratfords fine 1st responders, a great Police Force and a very Caring community! God Bless America !!!


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