Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bruce Brook Watershed Based Plan


Informational Meeting

November 2nd at 6:00 P.M.
Edison Elementary School 115 Boston Terrace, Bridgeport

Information Provided by: Kelly F. Kerrigan
Environmental Conservation Superintendent
Town of Stratford

Town of Stratford: Bruce Brook Watershed Based Plan

Bruce Brook Watershed Based Plan

What is a Watershed Based Plan (WBP)?

A Watershed Based Plan (WBP) is a watershed management plan that focuses on addressing specific nonpoint source (NPS) impairments or pollutant locations. In order for a plan to qualify as a WBP per the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it must address nine elements. These elements include:

  1. Impairment: Identification of the potential causes and sources of pollution
  2. Load Reduction: An estimate of expected load reductions from management measures.
  3. Management Measures: Implementation techniques necessary for achieving load reductions.
  4. Technical & Financial Assistance: Estimate of technical and financial assistance and sources that will be relied on for implementation.
  5. Public Information & Education: Public information and education component that will enhance public understanding of the project, and encourage participation.
  6. Schedule: A schedule for implementing management measures.
  7. Milestones: Descriptions of interim, measurable milestones for determining if management measures are being implemented.
  8. Performance: Criteria to determine whether load reductions are being , and if progress is being made toward improved water quality standards.
  9. Monitoring: A monitoring plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation efforts over time.

Seri, NASA, NGA, USGS | GBRC, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, USDA | CTDEEP NPS Graphic:

The Bruce Brook Watershed

The Bruce Brook watershed covers almost 2,200 acres along the Town of Stratford and City of Bridgeport boundary. Bruce Brook, which flows southwest from Stratford into Johnsons Creek in Bridgeport, is approximately 4.17 miles long.

The watershed itself is heavily developed, with much of the land use comprised of residential with some commercial, industrial, and institutional uses which are mostly concentrated in the southern extent of the watershed.

Bruce Brook WBP Public Survey

As part of the Bruce Brook WBP development, the Town would like to hear from residents and stakeholders.

The Public Survey for the Town of Stratford can be found at:

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