Thursday, February 13, 2025

Cannabis Business Approved


Cannabis Business Approved During Zoning Meeting
Special Public Hearing
September 27th

By Barbara Heimlich, Editor

The Stratford Zoming Commission unanimously approved the establishment of a retail cannabis business at 130 Honeyspot Road, the site of the 118 year old structure that was Johnny’s Restaurant.

The petition by a Michigan company of C3 EJV I LLC seeking special case approval to establish a retail cannabis business with incidental site work in a CA/MA Zone – M. Miles, Attorney representing petitioner, Ankur Rungta, submitted Certificates of Mailings and photographs of property.  He also submitted landscape plan, site plan, lighting, floor plan and traffic analysis.

R. Edmonds, the petitioner’s Civil Engineer, discussed site plan, parking lot, rain garden, landscaping, dumpster location, and infiltration trenches. Silt fencing will be provided around perimeter during construction.

Chairman Harold Watson questioned if an additional ADA parking space could be added. Mr. Fredette requested mural on the side of the building be preserved. No objection to additional ADA parking space and mural will be saved working within signage ordinance.

Ms. Miles discussed the installation of fencing and noted they have to go back to Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) for licensing.  Ankur Rungta, the petitioner, discussed provisional license and is requesting twelve (12) months to complete process. Also discussed was production site in East Hartford.

The Zoning Commissioners discussed maintenance of property throughout process, programs which they will implement in area supporting community, smoking in parking lot and usage of a security guard. Mr. Rungta noted that they prefer to hire locally, the site will be closely monitored, and will get security guard, if necessary, they will install HVAC and carbon filters.

B. Philips, Director of Design, discussed lighting and building design noting they may have to recreate mural on side of building. He discussed and noted they have no objections to Architectural Review Boards recommendations.

Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve 130 Honeyspot Road with additional stipulations and stipulations suggested by the Planning and Zoning Administrator and Architectural Review Board. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lamberti. The motion carried unanimously.

Also on the agenda was a petition from SHM Stratford LLC at 605 Broad Street seeking a Coastal Site Plan Review approval to install 620 ft. of street pile bulkhead along the shoreline with incidental site work and landscaping in a WF Zone – Mr. Habansky gave overview of project and noted DEEP recommendations. Mr. Francis made a motion to approve 605 Broad Street with DEEP recommendation that maintenance of sedimentation and erosion controls during construction be implemented and Health Department be involved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fredette. The motion carried unanimously.

Editor’s Note:  Bulkheads are normally smaller than seawalls, as often their primary function is to retain fill at locations with only limited wave action, and not to resist coastal erosion. A bulkhead must be designed to resist erosion caused by the mild to moderate wave climate at a specific site.

Jay Habansky, AICP – Planning & Zoning Administrator, read into the record a letter sent on August 17th by Stratford Housing Partnership. He may put together formal recommendations by Stratford Housing Partnership. Commissioners discussed attached ADU’s and sewer and water connections. If Commissioners have any feedback, it should be sent to Mr. Habansky.

Seeing no other business to discuss, Mr. Watson made a motion to adjourn.

Cover Photo: Proposed renovation of Johnny’s Restaurant


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