To TikTok, or Not to TikTok—That is the Question!
By Andréa ByrneEditor
EDITORIAL: To TikTok, or Not to TikTok—That is the Question!
With all the current news around the banning of TikTok, we were so interested to see an Opinion...
Unplugged: The $7 Billion Tax in Your Electric Bill
By Marc E. Fitch, Inside Investigator
Editor’s Note: This is a guest editorial from Inside Investigator
It seems everybody in Connecticut loves to hate their electric...
Giving and Getting
Stratford has a strong history of volunteering—volunteers add incredible content and color to our community.
Almost one year ago, Stratford Forward (a 501(c)3, and parent...
The Real Facts About the BOE Budget
Contributions by Stratford Crier Staff
The recently passed Board of Education (BOE) budget has significantly changed our education system, affecting programs, staffing, and student services....
Taking the High and Long Road to Development
By Barbara HeimlichEditor, Stratford Crier
Source: Jim Cabrera and Ted Lane from Point Stratford Renewal (PSR)
Point Stratford Renewal (PSR) was chosen as the preferred developer...
My Home Connecticut-Affordable Housing
By Barbara HeimlichEditor
Sources: Desegrate Connecticut; Jamil Ragland; Fairfield County’s Center for Housing Opportunity, Ginny Monk, Housing and Children’s Issues Reporter, CT Mirror
To address the...
Stratford Crier Call to Action
As many of you know, our Town Council is set to vote on the municipal budget in the near future. This meeting could come...
Lawsuit Charges Loyalty to Republican Party Interests Supersedes Best Interests of Students
By Barbara HeimlichEditor
On April 10th attorneys for Dr. Uyi Osunde filed suit in Federal Court in New Haven. Dr. Osunde is suing:
Stratford School Budget – The Facts
What You Need to Know
The conversation about our schools arises every year around the budget. We don’t hear much about the reading levels and...
Changing The Face of Local Politics in CT
By Emily Slatkow
Run for Something endorses Anthony Owusu Afriyie for Stratford Town Council, District 5. Anthony Afriyie is proud to receive the endorsement of...
Shakespeare Theatre
Has There Been Accountability?
By Barbara Heimlich
Editor Stratford Crier
Despite being bolstered by millions in state funding a year ago to redevelop the property, the town...