Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hilltop Drive Neighborhood


Let’s Rock This Block

By Councilman Bill O’Brien
Written by Bill O’Brien with thanks to Mimi Nelson
The Hilltop neighborhood is located off Cutspring Road.

“Dear Neighbors, the big day is arriving quickly. I am so excited. The Police Department gave us their approval, so we’re ready to go. As Lauren noted in the flyer, Let’s Rock This Block!” This message from block party organizer Mimi Nelsen was sent out on July 13th.

Saturday the 17th at 3:00 pm was the Big Day. Dark clouds threatened to drench the festivities, but not the turnout of friends and new neighbors from the Hilltop Drive neighborhood. Fortunately, only some light rain fell later in the afternoon. Arriving on Hilltop at the corner of Whippoorwill, a line of pinwheels on both sides of the median divider welcomed attendees.

A food and an ice cream truck were available for anyone wishing to purchase food. Different stations offered treats for kids, watermelon for all, and adult beverages for the older crowd.

As a participant in previous block parties in other parts of town, the “big day” lived up to its name outdoing any I’ve attended. Seeing friends after the months of Covid isolation and meeting many new neighbors was the best part of this rocking party.

Some emails following the event described its impact on the neighborhood with the following sample of comments. “You and the neighbors ROCK Mimi. We had a wonderful time/thank you”. “Best time ever on Hilltop today. Thank you all!” “My family and I really enjoyed yesterday.”

Mimi wrote the next day, “Dear Rockers, we did it and it was fabulous. I loved the fact that everyone became engaged in the activities. So many of you commented on how nice it was to learn the names of the people in the neighborhood.”

Not only did the big day “Rock the Block”, it also helped create a closed Facebook page and motivated Mimi to plan another event for October 2nd.

This exciting and successful community event is a small glimpse into neighborhoods that make Stratford a wonderful town for all our residents. May this event inspire others to organize parties that rock their blocks.


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