Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pathways to Payment


College Financial Planning

Advice Offered for Parents/Students via Zoom July 6th

by Tom Holehan
Public Relations & Programming
Stratford Library

Teens and parents are invited to an informative and timely Zoom workshop, “College Financial Planning” on Tuesday, July 6th from 6:30-8 pm.  The program is hosted by the Stratford Library in conjunction with Advanced College Funding Solutions with guest speaker Lynn Verrilli.  It is free and open to the public.

The educational workshop will focus on high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors.

Among the topics to be addressed will be:

  •  Critical information not covered during high school financial aid night.
  •  Opportunities available for students to attend an expensive private university for less than a state school.
  •  Selecting colleges that will give the best financial aid packages – more FREE money and less loans.
  •  Locating and applying for every “need-based” scholarship, grant, and low-interest loan that students may be eligible for.
  •  Paying for college without relying on 529 plans, expensive private student loans or raiding personal retirement accounts.
  •  Simplify the process and making sure all the right things are done at the right time.
  •  Which assets are taken into consideration when the U.S. Department of Education calculates the Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
  •  The Biggest Mistakes parents can make that cause them to overpay for college, and how to avoid them.
  •  The FAFSA form and all the other information needed to understand in order to maximize the amount of financial aid one is eligible to receive.

Even if a family is not eligible for need-based aid, the workshop will cover the best strategies on how to pay for college in the most cost efficient basis without it putting a strain on the rest of family finances.

College Financial Planning will begin at 6:30 pm on the Library’s Zoom platform.

For further information call: 203.385-4162 or register online and receive an invitational link at:



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