Monday, February 10, 2025

Platform for Progress


Citizens for Progress

by Timothy Bristol

Citizens for Progress is a political action committee that aims to support progressive candidates who want to strengthen our states environment and economy through with forward thinking platforms. Our PAC started one year ago and is growing quickly. This is a grassroots organization that does not accept money from any corporations or businesses our donor base is entirely made up of people who support our goals and our mission to elect progressives all over Connecticut.

Our initiative, “Platform for Progress,” supports Democrats and like-minded progressives who are seeking a bid for municipal office in the Fall 2023 Connecticut election season. We have developed a platform that we think will push progressive policies. Here are some high-priority issue areas for us this legislative cycle.

Sustainable development is a principle of human development that also focuses on economic and social development, but also provides environmental protection. We want to address the problems of Global climate change, poverty, and environmental deregulation as well as environmental justice.  Citizens for Progress wants to fight for a sustainable and equitable future for the present and future generations. We would support candidates that promote policy which protects the environment and also provides for an economy that is equitable for all. Connecticut needs to be a leader of sustainable development.

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a policy that focuses on transit infrastructure and its impact on communities. The idea is that public transit development addresses the needs of everyone and helps people get to jobs, schools, healthcare and generally get around. The main idea is that Dense, walkable, mixed use development near mass transit attracts people and adds to connected communities. The benefits of this kind of development are for example: affordable housing, public private partnerships, Neighborhood revitalization, congestion relief, improved air quality, improved pedestrian safety and increased economic activity. TOD also focuses on investment in quality transportation service without displacement or increased taxes and takes into consideration the community when planning development.

Workforce Development is a policy that promotes expanding economic opportunity by developing a skilled workforce and economic environment for communities and businesses to thrive and prosper. There are many policies that can help create this skilled workforce such as free public colleges and trade schools, increased broadband access, partnerships to advance youth apprenticeship, laws outlawing unpaid internships, more funding for Healthcare workforce grants, more funding for high tech related grants. Connecticut needs a highly skilled and diverse workforce to be able to compete in the labor market today and in the future.

If you would like to join our movement, please go to and contribute today.


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