Sunday, October 27, 2024

Scholarship for Stratford Seniors


The Bruce Carr Memorial Student Activism Award

In 2018, the Stratford Democratic Town Committee (SDTC) offered Awards to two graduating seniors, one from each high school, in the amount of $300, and hopes to continue the same but seeks to expand the eligibility to reflect 21st century learning.

Criteria for the awards this year is expanded to include those pursuing a degree at an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning, as well as those accepted by a qualified technical school or for specialized training programs in the armed forces.

  1. The applicant must be in good academic standing, but need not be in the top 10% academically.
  2. This scholarship award is based on strong evidence of community activism demonstrating a commitment to our nation’s democratic values.
  3. AND strong evidence of volunteer activism within-in the school and/or in the larger Stratford community. (Award is NOT political party based!)
  4. To be considered, the student must provide a 500-word essay that shows the best example of involvement in bringing people together to remove barriers to opportunities.

Examples that we suggest might include:

  • Supporting the election process and engaging student participation
  • Women & Girls STEM education • Developing life-skills for young women
  • LGBTQ and our special needs community, including the elderly
  • Aide to those financially distressed
  • Advancing environmental protection, conservation, or climate-change awareness
  • Support for our troops and veterans in need

As part of this review, we would gladly entertain any comments you feel may be helpful and desirable inclusions. As was done in the past, we desire to continue to be involved in the selection process, by interviewing prospective recipients recommended by your respective committees. Given that we may have to do this virtually this year, we suggest that we continue with a two-day process at your school: First a meeting with Guidance to review submissions that would include a short 500 word essay detailing their activism and their academic record, and then a final meeting with a handful of candidates to follow up with an interview and selection of finalist.

After your own award ceremony, we will present the checks to your school’s recipients at a meeting of the full Stratford Democratic Town Committee which will be held virtually. NOTE: This last item should not interfere in any way with your awards ceremonies, we desire you still to make the announcement at your awards ceremony, kept confidential until that time, but making the award at a town committee meeting with their family present proved an enriching experience, introducing them to a real-time democratic experience in their Stratford community.

Phrasing for the School program Booklets: “This award is made to honor of activism and for commitment to Democratic values”

For further information, please contact your schools guidance counselor.


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