“Meet-the-Authors” Event
Monday, March 31 at 7 P.M.
Lovell Room
Free and open to the public
What are Crypids? Cryptids are animals or creatures whose existence is claimed in folklore or other accounts but remains unproven by science; examples include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Chupacabra.
Connecticut writer Patrick Scalisi and Connecticut artist Valerie Ruby-Omen will discuss their new local history book, Connecticut Cryptids: A Field Guide to the Weird and Wonderful Creatures of the Nutmeg State.

Over three years, Scalisi and Ruby-Omen did extensive research on creature folklore from throughout the state to compile a definitive survey of Connecticut “cryptids”, that is creatures that are believed to exist (like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster), but never proven to exist. In doing so, they learned that cryptids have been part of Connecticut culture and history from as far back as the 1600s to as recently as the 2020s. There’s even a fantastic story from Stratford about lighthouse keeper Judson and the mermaids! The program starts by introducing the audience to the concepts of “cryptids” and “cryptozoology”, followed by a storytelling session from the book. A Q&A session will follow.

The authors will have autographed copies of their book available for purchase following the program. For further information visit the Library website: www.stratfordlibrary.org or call: 203.385.4162.