Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Visual Effects and Animation Talk


Creative Conversation Series With Alison Kellom

by Arts Alliance of Stratford

The Arts Alliance of Stratford will present a discussion on the history and future of Visual Effects and Animation via Zoom on Tuesday, February 16th from 7:00–8:00p.m Registration is required and a $10 donation is suggested.

Alison Kellom will discuss film fundamentals and how animation evolved to the entertainment we consume now. The basic production pipeline will be discussed to educate the different jobs it takes to create a movie. A question & answer will follow the talk.

Alison Kellom is a Master Drawer, classically trained artist in Old Master Technique at the Atelier School of Classical Realism in Oakland, California. Her training led to a career in feature films and video games, working with Disney, Warner Bros. and 2K Games. Alison is currently a Model Maker and Producer on the short film Crickets Would Sing.

Please complete the event registration. Upon submission, the Zoom meeting link will be emailed to you. To register please go to:


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