Friday, July 26, 2024

Where Am I?


Stratford the Beautiful

Stratford Crier Photo Contest

The Crier has launched a weekly photo quiz to acquaint readers with the many beautiful parts of our town.  Crier photographers will publish photos of Stratford’s gems and ask readers to identify the location. First right response will be honored with a free ice cream cone from Goody Bassett, a Stratford Mecca for ice cream lovers.

Email your “guess” to: [email protected]

Congratulation to last week’s quiz winner Jeff Law who correctly identified the little park/traffic island at the intersection of Elm St. and East Broadway.

The marker, placed there in 1915 by the Mary Silliman chapter of D.A.R., commemorates the oldest mail route in America. The route, which follows the Indian trail, took about two weeks to complete and presented great dangers along the way.

The first post rider made the trip from New York to Boston in 1673

This week’s gem is more in the line of our air travel era and has an international flavor.

A sumptuous ice cream cone from Goody Bassett awaits the first reader to identify the location. Email [email protected].



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