Sunday, September 22nd at 2:00 p.m.
Catharine B. Mitchell Museum
Stratford Historical Society
Whether you’re an art enthusiast, nature lover, or curious about carving, explore the art of bird carving with renowned artist Hank Sprouse. From ducks to birds of prey, his work captures the lifelike beauty of avian species. Hank will display his pieces and offer a rare glimpse into his creative process. There is a suggested $5 donation for the event, and light refreshments will be served.

Hank Sprouse began carving in 1980 after seeing a duck carved in a class given by master carver Ken Gleason. He immediately became a member of Ken’s class and has never looked back. Since retiring from dentistry in 2007, he has gone from producing one decorative decoy a year to a full time career of ducks, songbirds and interpretive wood sculpture including “smoothies” and miniature carvings.
Hank Sprouse has been carving decoys for almost 30 years. Each work starts as a block of wood which he shaves, carves and sands into the shape of the waterfowl or songbird that he is creating. He then burns in feather detail before finishing with oil-based paints.
Hank’s works have been recognized in both national and international competitions including the World Championships in Ocean City, Maryland. His Canada Goose was awarded a 2012 international first place.
His works include decorative decoys, shorebirds, songbirds and interpretive wood sculpture.
He lives in Stratford with his wife and continues to not only carve for himself but shares his love of carving by teaching others his craft.

To learn more about Hank and his decoys or to inquire about commissioning him for your own special carving, please contact him at