Thursday, October 17, 2024

Traffic Safety Cameras


Smile….Your Speeding and Reckless Driving Now On Camera!!!

Traffic Safety Cameras Approved by Stratford Town Council

Source: Stratford Town Council Minutes from July 8, 2024

The Stratford Town Council this week unanimously approved a new ordinance that allows officials to use traffic safety cameras to fine speeding drivers and red-light runners, according to Town Council minutes.

The use of automated traffic enforcement safety devices initially will be at locations within school zones, pedestrian safety zones, and other places within the boundaries of Stratford, provided that the locations of such devices will be identified in a plan submitted to and approved by the Connecticut Department of Transportation.

Traffic safety cameras are designed to detect and collect evidence of alleged traffic violations by recording images that capture the number plate, date, time, and location of a motor vehicle that exceeds the posted speed limit by ten (10) or more miles per hour or fails to stop such vehicle when facing a steady red signal on a traffic control signal.

All automated traffic enforcement safety devices will be operated by an automated traffic enforcement safety device operator, and used solely for identifying violations of this ordinance.

For the first thirty (30) days after a location is equipped with an operational automated traffic enforcement safety device, the owner of a motor vehicle that allegedly violates this ordinance that is detected by the traffic safety device will receive a written warning instead of a citation.

Whenever an automated traffic enforcement safety device detects and produces recorded images of a motor vehicle allegedly committing a violation, a sworn member or employee of the Town’s Police Department, or an employee of the Town as designated by the traffic authority, shall review and approve the recorded images. If, after review, it is determined that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation occurred, a citation will be mailed via first class mail to the owner of the motor vehicle.

 The citation will include:

  • The name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle;
  • The number plate of the motor vehicle;
  • The violation charged;
  • The location of the automated traffic enforcement safety device and the date and time of the violation;
  • A copy of or information on how to view, through electronic means, the recorded images that captured the alleged violation;
  • A statement or electronically generated affirmation by the member or employee who viewed the recorded images and determined that a violation occurred;
  • Verification that the automated traffic enforcement safety device was operating correctly at the time of the alleged violation and the date of the most recent calibration check performed pursuant to the Public Act;
  • The amount of the fine imposed and how to pay such fine; and
  • The right to contest the violation and request a hearing pursuant to C.G.S. § 7152c and Section 6.6 of the Stratford Town Code.

In the case of an alleged violation involving a motor vehicle registered in another jurisdiction, the citation will be sent by first class mail not later than thirty (30) days after the identity of the owner is determined and be mailed to the address of the owner that is in the records of the official in the other jurisdiction issuing such registration.

The fine for a first violation will be fifty dollars ($50.00). The fine for each subsequent violation will be seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Payment of a fine and any associated fees may be made by electronic means.  A reasonable fee, not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00), may be imposed for the costs associated with the electronic processing of the payment of a fine.

Any funds received by the Town of Stratford from fines shall be used for the purposes of improving transportation mobility, investing in transportation infrastructure improvements, or paying the costs associated with the use of automated traffic enforcement safety devices within Stratford.


  1. The Town of Stratford leadership has distinguished its self by authorizing a very well developed and FAIR program to help ensure PUBLIC Safety within the town.
    Thank you.


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