Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mixed Bag of Summer Fun for all Ages


Mark Your Calendars!!!

Stratford Library offers Kids Events 2021

by Tom Holehan
Public Relations & Programming
Stratford Public Library

The Stratford Library Children’s Department continues to offer stimulating programs for kids and their families. The Library is currently offering limited computer use for adults with reservations and contact-free Take Out borrowing services, online and outdoor programs, grab and go program kits, Reference Chat and 24/7 online access to ebooks, audiobooks, movies and music.

Book Scientists
Each Friday this summer, the Library Children’s Department will debut a new Book Scientists themed kit containing Library books, a craft, and an extension activity for children ages 3 to 12. Themes include gemstones, gardens, the USA, financial literacy, and more. Register for kits on the Library’s website at / Events page, and pick them up beginning two weeks prior to each date. Return the Library books when you are done, and keep everything else! Learn something new this summer! To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Summer Storytimes
The Stratford Library Children’s Department will offer summer storytimes beginning June 21. Toddler Time for ages 0 to 2 meets Mondays at 10:30 am. Some sessions will meet on Zoom, and some will meet on the Perry House Lawn behind the Library, weather depending. During outdoor Toddler Time, adults will wear masks, and families will social distance. Storytime will meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 10:30 am. Each week will have a different theme – see the website for details. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Summer Reading for Children
The Children’s Department of the Stratford Library invites children ages 0 to 12 to join summer reading. The Read to Me Program is for children birth to grade 2 not yet reading independently. Complete 20 activities, including listening to stories, to complete the program and enjoy an end of summer celebration. For reader’s grades Kindergarten to six, children who read at least 8 books can enjoy an end of summer celebration. Children in both programs will receive a monthly prize for reading/activities with additional prize drawings each week. For those young stargazers, the Library is also hosting a summer Astronomy Bingo game which can be picked up at the Library. Complete 5-in-a-row to get Bingo, and return cards before August 14 to be entered into a prize drawing. To register for either summer reading program, or for the Library’s Teen/Adult Summer Reading programs, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Saturday Grab ‘n’ Go Kits
Need something to do this summer with the kids? Visit the Stratford Library’s Event calendar at / Events and sign up for different grab and go kits for children listed on different Saturdays throughout the summer. Themes range from Olympics to Animals to Sharks. Take home something fun to enjoy from the Library. Registration starts two weeks before each date. To register, visit or call Children’s at 203.385.4165 for more information.

Weekly Crafts
The Stratford Library Children’s Department offers a Weekly Craft beginning Monday, June 21 and running through August 14. While supplies last, families can pick up a craft kit to take home and enjoy with no registration required. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:30-5:30 pm, weather permitting, children can stop by the Library to make the weekly craft with the help of teen volunteers. The Craft Table will be located outside in the Library’s Amphitheatre, and masks are required. For more information or a weather update for the Craft Table, call 203.385.4165.

Science Sundays
The Stratford Library Children’s Department offers a monthly website feature called Science Sundays. Learn about different science topics through curated websites, videos and activities, then stop by the Children’s Department’s take home table to pick up a handout that ties together the themes and activities in the web feature. Science Sunday Sharks will be posted on the page on July 25 and Earth Geology on August 29. For more information visit / Events or call 203.385.4165.

The Great Family Read
Children and their families read together! The Stratford Library offers a monthly, self-paced family book club with different titles for families to enjoy together. The June title is: A Boy Called Bat, July is The Sisters Grimm, and August is Sideways Stories from Wayside School. All titles are available for check-out via the Library’s Hoopla app and are geared for children ages 7 to 12. Families who register will receive discussion questions and other ideas for activities via email. To register for each month’s title, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Color Parade
Throughout the summer, the Stratford Library will offer colorful grab ‘n’ go craft kits geared toward children ages 3 to 6. Look for registration information every other Thursday on the Library’s online calendar under / Events page. Kits can be registered for and picked up starting two weeks before each date. Call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Kindness Rocks
Children ages 5 to 12 can decorate rocks for the Stratford Library’s new Kindness Rock Garden on Monday, June 28 at either 2:30 pm or 3:15 pm. This program can accommodate family groups of up to five people, and masks are required. Registration opens two weeks before the program date. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Art Workshops
The Stratford Library Children’s Department will offer guided Art Workshops on Zoom on Thursdays during the summer at 7 pm for school aged children. Register on the Library’s website beginning two weeks before each workshop then pick up the art supplies at the Library and meet for instruction on Zoom. Summer workshops include watercolor, mixed media, colored pencils, and more. To register, visit / Events page or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Math Mania
The Stratford Library Children’s Department will offer Math Mania kits in July and August for children to enjoy at home. Strengthen math skills and have fun at the same time! July 8 is Fractions, July 22 is Multiplication, and August 19 is Geometry themed. Register for each and pick up kits beginning two weeks prior. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Beading Grab ‘n’ Go Craft
The Stratford Library Children’s Department will offer two different Beading Grab ‘n’ Go Kits for children ages 5 to 7 and 8 to 12. Sign up children by age then pick up kits June 28 to July 12. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Nutmeg Book Group – You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P.
The Stratford Library Children’s Department offers its popular Nutmeg Book Group on Monday, July 19 at 7 pm on Zoom. In July, we will discuss Nutmeg title You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P. In this book, Jilly learns empathy through interactions with relatives and a new friend. Registered participants grades 4 to 6 will receive a free copy of the book and a goody bag courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Glass Lantern Craft
Children ages 7 to 12 can create a Glass Lantern Craft with a pick up kit from the Stratford Library. Convert a simple glass jar into a luminous lantern with colored tissue and shiny cellophane. Kits can be picked up June 30 to July 14. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Candy Olympics
Children ages 6 to 12 can participate in silly, sweet Candy Olympics at the Stratford Library on Thursday, July 15 at either 3 pm or 3:45 pm in the Library’s Courtyard. Masks and a grown-up helper are required. In case of inclement weather, participants will be notified when kits can be picked up for home enjoyment. Sign-ups begin two weeks before the event. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Illustrated Poetry Workshop
The Stratford Library will offer an Illustrated Poetry Workshop for ages 8 to 12. Children will write and illustrate a book of poetry and receive a copy of the printed book when it is completed. The first two classes will focus on writing and the second two classes on illustration. The workshop will meet on Zoom on Mondays, July 19 and 26 and Tuesdays August 3 and 10 at 4 pm. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Family Garden Project
The Stratford Library continues its popular Family Garden Project with pick up kits each month containing different seeds and instructions for growing. For July, Library patrons can sign up for a Kentucky Beans kit and pick it up July 6 to 20 in the Children’s Department at the Stratford Library. The Library loves to receive pictures of sprouting seeds! To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Fizzy Science
Children ages 2 to 6 can watch colors fizz and foam in this colorful science experiment at the Stratford Library on Monday, July 26. Masks are required. Families can sign up for a session at 2:10 pm, 2:40 pm, or 3:10 pm and meet outside in the Library’s Courtyard. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information about inclement weather plans.

Paper Weaving Craft
Sign up for a Paper Weaving Grab ‘n’ Go Kit from the Stratford Library for ages 6 to 12. Kit pick up runs 7/21-8/4. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

It’s Rocket Science
Children ages 6 to 9 can decorate and fly their own rocket ship at the Stratford Library on Thursday, August 5 at 10:30 am. Masks and a grown-up helper are required. This program meets outside in the Library’s courtyard and will be postponed to the fall in case of inclement weather. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Children’s Puppet Show
The Stratford Library will offer a Three Billy Goats Gruff puppet show on Monday, August 9 with two sessions, one at 2:30 pm and one at 3:15 pm for families with children ages 2 to 7. Families will be given finger puppets to participate along with the show. The rain date is August 14. To register for either session, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Ready for School
The Stratford Library will offer online practice in reading and math to children grades Kindergarten to six. Get ready for school with help from teen tutors on Wednesday, August 11 and 25 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Nutmeg Book Group – Wink
The Stratford Library Children’s Department offers its popular Nutmeg Book Group on Monday, August 16 at 7 pm on Zoom. In August, we will discuss Nutmeg title Wink. In this book, middle schooler Ross struggles to fit in after undergoing surgery the previous year. Registered participants grades 4 to 6 will receive a free copy of the book and a goody bag courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. To register, visit or call 203.385.4165 for more information.

Read to Therapy Dogs
Families can sign up for a time to read outdoors with therapy dogs at the Stratford Library on Thursday, August 26 from 11am-12pm. For the safety of the dogs, masks are required for everyone. Register online at on the Events page or by calling 203.385.4165.


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