As Only Fitting Response to Slew of Republican Press Releases
By Steve Taccognia
Stratford Democratic Town Committee
As my counterpart on the Republican side so eloquently put it, “it’s that time of year”. In the last 48 hours, there have been two press releases and I suspect at least one more is brewing while I write this. In these rambling case studies for thinking before you speak, he simultaneously criticizes one Democratic candidate for not seeking a debate, while attacking a non-partisan organization for actually organizing one.
After criticizing a get-together at which no funds were raised, he calls into question the recording of those funds that didn’t happen. The Republicans have filed frivolous SEEC complaints against the Democrats in the final run up to election day nearly every year since Lou Decilio has been Chair.
I appreciate the regularity and dedication to performance art that accompany these last gasps of a once relevant political party. Frankly, from a partisan perspective, I could tee off on this nonsense all day.
Except throwing up distractions rather than solutions isn’t responsible, weak taunting isn’t going to help anyone, and the state in which they have left our town shouldn’t be a punchline.
So, let’s cover these points in one press release instead of three:
Although the Republicans decided not to face the public but rather to hide behind fabricated nonsense, the Democrats, understanding their responsibility and the value of transparency, remained willing to attend the usual debate run by the non-partisan League of Women Voters. Unfortunately, without a second party, the event was cancelled.
Despite Mr. Decilio’s implications of wrongdoing, rather than a secretive meeting of party insiders and nefarious schemers, on August 15th, much of the DTC was attending a memorial service for a well-respected member of our community. As a result, a planned fundraiser was canceled, but a handful of people still decided to get together at the end of a long day. State filings for non-events have never been a requirement.
Strangely enough, there were some things not covered in the recent GOP releases:
Last week, Mayor Hoydick and an entourage of Town Hall insiders…including Mr. Decilio…attended a meeting of South End residents raising concerns about chronic flooding and offered solutions in the form of…flood insurance promotion.
If it feels like you’re suddenly seeing Hoydick signs everywhere, that’s probably because every vacant storefront, derelict property, and empty lot has been covered with them. I imagine it’s like an artist signing their work.
Last but not least, after getting smacked down by the state, the GOP has been noticeably silent regarding Absentee Ballots after State GOP Chair, Trump Campaigner, and longtime Stratford Partisan Operative Ben Proto wrote his own nonsensical rant seeking to curtail your ability to vote.
So as fun as this is, as we come down to the end of another election cycle, let’s stop with the same old games, the same tired attacks, and the same ineffective leadership. Let’s choose something better, Stratford.