Your place to get questions answered about voting and local elections in Stratford
Is there Early Voting in September 12th primary election in Stratford?
How much extra will Early Voting cost the town?
By James Simon
Democratic Registrar
Q: I live in the Third District (voting at Johnson House), but I am out of town for the September 12th Democratic primary. Can I use the new Early Voting law?
A: Early Voting will not start in Connecticut until the April 2024 presidential primary. The September 12th primary will be held only in the 3rd District, and only among Democrats. You can cast a ballot early via Absentee Ballot (see links below) or at the polls on September 12th.
There is only one position on the D3 ballot: Town Council. Alvin O’Neal, who was endorsed by the Stratford Democratic Town Committee, is being challenged by Michael Singh.
Q: How do I apply for an Absentee Ballot?
A: Contact the Town Clerk or go to:…/APPLICATION_ABSENTEE
To check on your party registration:
To see the District 3 primary election ballot:…/BALLOT_FOR_SEPT._12%2C
Stratford Democrats in the 3rd District can vote at the polls, Johnson House, 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.
There are 1,827 active registered Democrats in D3
Any primary costs between $3,000 and $5,000 per district. Most of the cost is for printing the ballots, programming the vote tabular machines, and labor for poll workers.
Note that in 2019 D3 primary, 223/1800 voters cast ballots, or 12.39 percent.