By Joan Law
Feng Shui Joan’s Way
[email protected]
As I thought about this latest newsletter and blog, the thought struck me that diamonds are created under pressure. And it is with great joy that I report that the Law family mined quite a few diamonds this past year!
Each and every one of our adult children experienced something big in their lives. I know all the parents out there understand fully that when your children face the good and the not so good, you are right there with them.
I also know that achieving the special and important things in life comes with hard work, a few bumps and bruises, and maybe just a little bit of pressure.
Yes, the good stuff still comes with stress. And, I honestly have to say, Feng Shui principals helped me navigate one of the most stressful and yet one of the most beautiful years of my life!
Here is what 2020 looked like for my family:
- Our daughter Audrey started her journey to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
- Our son Mason married Lauren in May and moved into a new home.
- Our son Clark moved into his own home.
- And our son Spencer married Alivia just a few weeks ago!
Feng Shui is not just about “fixing” things that aren’t working. It is about creating an environment that supports your physical and mental health so that you can enjoy the good and navigate the bad with ease.
Incidentally, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don’t just fight illness, but help prevent it, too. Can you see my influence on my daughter!
If you ever need help finding your life-diamonds, I’m here.