Earth Day Cleanups
Cleaner Planet Initiatives
Help Needed!!!
Opportunity to Save the Great Meadows Marsh
Audubon Hosting Earth Day Events
• Saturday, April , 23rd,
• and Sunday April 24th
All events are from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Great Meadows Marsh, 700 Longbeach Blvd, Stratford. Wear rubber boots and gloves if you have them, Audubon also has a supply to lend volunteers. For further information, you may contact: Jack Matthias, Coastal Resilience Associate, Audubon Connecticut (Cell: 617-901-1069)
The Senate voted 24-11 this week to ban the use of Styrofoam containers and trays in schools and restaurants by July 1, 2024. The bill requires that the owner or operator of a restaurant or caterer that violates the ban receive a warning for a first violation, $200 fine for a second violation, $500 fine for a third violation, and $1,000 fine for a subsequent violation. A restaurant or caterer may only be issued one violation per day.
Stratford Library will do a Zoom talk on “Pollinator Gardens” with horticultural consultant Pamm Cooper on Sunday, May 8th at 2 p.m. The talk, on the Zoom format, is free and open to the public.
Plastics Free July: free report Rising Tides: Global Opinions on Actions to Stop Plastic Pollution in 28 Countries shares results from a global survey that saw nearly nine in 10 people supporting a UN plastic pollution treaty. Continuing to share the general public’s
expectations for action to end plastic pollution will be important moving forwards. Go to: