Friday, July 26, 2024

Gresko Statement on Long Island Sound Blue Plan


Gresko released the following statement following House approval of the Long Island Sound Blue Plan (H.J. 53)

Introduced by: Environment Committee

Co-sponsors of HJ-53: Rep. Joseph P. Gresko, 121st Dist.

“The Long Island Sound Blue Plan is a plan which will provide conservation groups, developers, municipalities, and scientists with a comprehensive map of the all-important Long Island Sound in order to help protect it and its ecosystem for generations to come. Adoption of this plan has been a long time coming after delays in previous sessions, so I’m proud that the resolution adopting this plan was approved in the House last week. I look forward to it soon receiving a vote in the State Senate.”

The purpose of the Long Island Sound Blue Plan is to identify and protect places of traditional use and ecological significance, and to minimize conflicts, now and in the future. This includes preserving a collective vision of Long Island Sound, and facilitating a transparent, science-based decision-making process.”

The plan will facilitate a transparent, science-based decision-making process for the preservation of Long Island Sound’s ecosystems and resources and the protection of traditional uses, while maximizing their compatibility and minimizing conflicts between them now and in the future

The Long Island Sound Blue Plan process included:

(1) gathering data to develop an inventory of ecological resources and human uses and producing corresponding maps that were reviewed by experts and stakeholders for relevance and accuracy and

(2) development of Blue Plan policy to be implemented though existing State permit processes that will minimize conflict with natural resources and traditional uses. (Using maps to develop a participatory process to map current and potential new uses). Long Island Sound Blue Plan provides an inventory of the natural resources and uses of Connecticut’s Long Island Sound and establishes a spatial plan to guide future use of the Sound’s waters and submerged lands.


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