Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lawyers Taxes and Change


Berchem and Moses Padding Pockets

Letter to the Editor

By Paul Tavaras

I am writing in response to this deplorable escapade, that is the Republican sham of ousting Stratford’s Superintendent Dr. Uyi E. Osunde.

From the very start, BOE Heinrick, their Republican leader, and the rest of the Republicans have had it in for Dr. Osunde. No matter that in three years, he has implemented positive policies that benefit our children. Anything that promotes equity, inclusion, and dare I say diversity. are attributes that Republicans despise.

Throughout my sixty-five years of residing in Stratford, the racism that is interwoven here is now blatant. I myself had felt its tentacles over twenty years ago, when I finished (twice), in the top ten list of candidates for hire into the Stratford Fire Department, only to be denied employment for no plausible reason.

Heinrick is obviously on a power trip. When Dr. Osyunde was involved with his court case, in which all charges were dropped, well that just laid the Republicans’ “golden egg”. Boy did they run with that!

Then they conjured up a faux “investigation”. And you-know-who pays for that? We do! How much of our tax dollars are wasted on this infantile charade?

Republicans run their mouths on being so-called fiscally disciplined. Yeah, right. Except they will open the check book to fulfill their agenda, no matter how foolhardy it is. so.

How much is this going to cost us for settling the lawsuit, paying the Town’s attorney’s, and other expenses? Not to worry. The Hoydick Administration will just raise taxes, to cover the ones used to pay for this charade.

It will certainly be targeted towards Districts 3,4. and 5. Folks, this is another reason why voting matters. In the last twenty-plus years, our town has been economically stagnant.

It’s past time for a change.


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