Friday, December 13, 2024

Love gardening?


Join Judson House Garden Club
June 25th, 2 p.m.
Judson House

Here is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a garden club that is so needed here in Stratford. Let us work on getting Stratford designated as a Pollinator Pathway from Forest to Shore.

On Saturday, June 25th, we will be kicking off our inaugural meeting of the garden club at Judson House.  We will kick off our garden club with its first special meeting declaring it “Pollinator Day” here in Stratford.  We will have a keynote speaker, a representative from the Pollinator Pathway, sharing information on pollinators and the organization. In addition, representatives from our very own pollinator gardens including the Shakespeare garden, Animal control, the Stratford Sister Cities Friendship Garden at Boothe, the pollinator gardens in Lordship, Longbrook, and our Chairperson of the Stratford Beautification Committee.

To top it all off, we will be having a demonstration on making a Butterfly puddler.  Ten lucky individuals will have a chance to make and take! Everything kicks off at 2:00 p.m.

We hope you will have a chance to drop by.  We are attempting to unite all our special pollinator gardens here in Stratford together. If you “Google” Gardens Stratford Ct.

none of these gardens, except maybe if you scroll down, the rose garden at Boothe pops up. We are going to attempt to change that!

The Garden Club will be based in the Judson House gardens, and plans are to reach out to all our neighbors, visit local gardens, share information, have monthly speakers, possibly lend a helping hand, (like we will need on this day) and continue to connect our fragmented landscapes with a pathway of pollinators “From Forest To Shore”.

  • Gardens bring people together. And that is just what we need right now.
    It has been a while that any of us have been able to gather, and what
    better place than in the sunshine, outdoors, in the fresh air with a
    whole club of new friends bound together by a love of gardening.
  • If you are an excellent gardener — You’ll love meeting other
    experts and sharing your knowledge with like-minded members. Participate
    or spearhead activities devoted to conservation, floral design, plant
    propagation, or senior and youth gardening.
  • If you are an awful gardener — Come learn how to not kill every
    plant! We will be hosting horticultural workshops in our gardens for our
    members at all levels of expertise. We also plan to host a dynamic
    speaker program for members at our monthly meetings. The diverse mixture
    of women and men who comprise our membership will have a vast
    accumulation of knowledge that they’re willing to share.
  • Our plans are to mandate for education, conservation, preservation and
    beautification. While the Club’s activities may shift over time
    reflecting the current interests of its members, the love our members
    share with their love for gardening and our town will remain the
    emphasis of the Club.

Our first “official” meeting will be held on Saturday June 25th will be in conjunction with the Historical Society’s annual Membership and volunteer fair.

For any particular questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact
Kevin Moore, Garden/Grounds Chair, at

You can sign up to attend the Garden Club meeting or join the Judson House Garden Club by scanning the QR code on the flyer.  If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can sign up at: [email protected]

For further information and to view ongoing photos of Stratford pollinator gardens you can go to the Judson House Historic Gardens page on Facebook for further updates.


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