Water Pollution Control Authority
Thursday May 26th at 6 p.m.
Town Council Chambers
The Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 26th at 6 p.m. in Town Council Chambers to hear testimony on raising our sewer tax from the present residential rate of $396 to $483.69 per year. This represents an increase of $87 to homeowners (a 22% increase).
WPCA History:
- WPCA is entirely self-sufficient, all salaries, pensions, materials — everything — is paid by the sewer fees.
- WPCA pays Town Hall $300,000 a year for in-kind services.
- $600,000 for the town’s ‘rental’ fee” of property for WPCA
- In 2015 the Stratford Town Council approved selling the Town’s WPCA to the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority, but a petition movement garnered enough signatures — roughly 7,500 in a town of 33,000 voters — to force the town to hold a referendum on the proposal in November.
- Referendum overwhelmingly defeated the proposal to sell the WPCA