The follow represents Republican endorsed candidates for the November 2021 town elections following the recent Republican Town Committee meeting at the Stratford VFW. The meeting, chaired by Town GOP Chairman Lou DeCilio, nominated the following slate:
Mayor: Laura Hoydick (incumbent)
Town Council:
District 1: Chris Pia (incumbent)
District 2: Ronald Tichy
District 3: Victor Ayala Jr.
District 4: Linnea Scheck
District 5: Kerry Whitham
District 6: Ken Poisson (incumbent)
District 7: Jean-Marie Sutton
District 8: Jim Connor (incumbent)
District 9: Bill O’Brien (incumbent)
District 10: Laura Dancho (incumbent)
Board of Education:
Kristen Bedell
Theresa Sheehy
Sean Kennedy
Michael Henrick
Planning Commission:
Zone 1: Bryan O’Connor
Zone 3: Alec Voccola
Zone 4: Sarah Graham
Zone 5: Paul Aurelia
Zoning Commission:
Zone 3: Prez Palmer
Zone 4: Debra Lamberti
Zone 5: Len Petruccelli
Board of Zoning Appeals:
Zone 1: Bob Baird
Zone 2: Ed Scinto
Zone 3: Kerry Whitham