Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Center School Once Again Up For Vote

Town Council Meeting on Monday, July 11th

The Stratford Town Council will conduct a regularly scheduled meeting on July 11, 2022 at 7:00 Council Chambers of Stratford Town Hall.

The Public Forum will begin at 6 p.m.  Those wishing to speak need to sign up before 6 p.m.

New Business on the agenda is Center School:

7.3     To consider and act upon the Favorable Recommendation of the Planning Commission for the potential sale of parcel 4009050008 (1000 East Broadway) pursuant to the 8-24 Review. (Presentations/Proposals can be found here:

Announcement of Center School Redevelopment – Developer Recommendation

On February 23, 2022, the Center School Selection Committee met in Town Hall Chambers and unanimously selected Spirit Investment Partners – Kaali Nagy Properties for the Center School Redevelopment. The Spirit-Kaali Nagy team was referred to the Town Council as the selected preferred developer for the aforementioned property.

Due to the Town of Stratford’s updated Tax Ordinance which reduces the tax abatement maximum number of years from 10 to 6 years, we went back to both finalists, Romano Brothers Builders and Spirit Investment Partners – Kaali Nagy Properties and requested they update their financial stack in accordance with the 6 year abatement plan as it relates to the parking garage. Please see the attached links to both developers revised financial proposals.

On Monday, July 11th, the Town Council will meet and vote and select one of the two final developers for the Center School Redevelopment.

Bottom Line:

Spirit Investment Partners: As you can see from the above schedule, the difference in a 10‐year PILOT versus a 6‐year PILOT results in approximately $1,585,798 in additional taxes paid over the same period. On a present value basis, that difference is worth approximately $1,084,113 in today’s dollars.          Assuming no additional factors have changed, we would need to reduce our proposed Purchase Price proportionately from $1,625,000 to $550,000 to account for the difference.

Romano Brothers Builders: With this letter, please find Team Romano’s new numbers and revised financial stack. These numbers take into account the recent amendment to the Town’s Tax Abatement Ordinance (191-11 Incentive Programs) reducing the maximum abatement time period to six years. At your request, we have removed the 10% affordable aspect we proposed on June 27, 2022 in an attempt to comply with the Planning Commission’s request that 10% of the units be designated affordable to meet the requirements of C.G.S. Section 8-30g.

Team Romano’s new proposed purchase price is $1,694,000.00.

Resident Feedback:

Multiple meetings have been conducted with residents regarding the development of Center School, presentations by developers have been given (without the ability of town residents to question their proposals).

A petition, Save Historic Stratford: Center School Site, is up on, and to date 576 people have signed it.

On the “short list” of input by residents is the following:

At a minimum, any decision on the Center School property must await the “shakeout” of any number of currently dynamic factors, including but not limited to:

  1. a) Dramatic increase in building density within the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) radius, i.e. Ferry Boulevard & Main Street;
  2. b) A formal traffic study
  3. c) Collapse of the TOD model underlying the justification for residential infill development at sites near to public transportation facilities; and
  4. d) Dubious claims of any need for increased property tax revenues from residential property development, given recent tax rate “decreases.”

In sum, we do not need development of Center School property; we need its conservation as open, public space, with facilities “for the children.”

Any individual with a disability who needs special assistance to participate in the meeting should contact the ADA Coordinator at 203-385-4020 or 203-385-4022 (TDD) 5 days before the meeting, if possible.

Notice Of Public Meeting

The Stratford Town Council Will Conduct A Regularly Scheduled Meeting On July 11, 2022 At 7:00 P.M.In Council Chambers Of Stratford Town Hall, 2725 Main Street, Stratford, Ct.

Public Forum Will Begin At 6:00 P.M.


Call To Order

Invocation And Pledge Of Allegiance

1. Approval Of Minutes — Regular meeting June 13, 2022 and special meeting June 29, 2022

RESOLVED: that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 2022 and special meeting July 29, 2022 be dispensed with as copies thereof have been previously provided to each Council Member and the same be and are hereby approved.

2. Ceremonial Presentations And Awards

3. Communications, Bills, Petitions, Remonstrances

3.1 Council Chairman Appointments (For Information Only)
• Tom Fahy Reappointed To The Inlands Wetlands Commission With A Term That Expires May 31, 2026.
• Joseph Koripsky Appointed As A Conservation Commission Representative To The Inland Wetlands Commission With A Term That Expires May 31, 2026.

3.2 Summary Of Grants

4. Mayor’s Report, Questions For The Mayor, Town Attorney’s Report

4.1 Mayor’s Report

4.2 Questions For The Mayor

4.3 Town attorney’s report

5. Unfinished business and/or old business

6. Ordinances and resolutions

6.1 Ordinances

6.2 Resolutions

6.2.1 Resolution regarding a ct department of children and families youth service bureau grant to fund the local youth service bureau
Executive summary: funded as local youth service bureau, community services coordinates a comprehensive youth service network and provides outpatient therapy, a juvenile review board, positive youth development programs, and community education.

Sponsored by: Stratford Town Council

Whereas, the connecticut department of children and families is authorized to extend financial assistance to municipalities in the form of grants; and,

Whereas, this funding has been made possible from the youth service bureau grant program; and,

Whereas, the town of stratford expends funds to operate and support the local youth service bureau; and,

Whereas, it is desirable and in the public interest that the town of stratford enter into an agreement with the connecticut department of children and families in the amount of $54,804 requiring $34,668 in town match funds;

Now therefore, be it resolved by the town council of the town of Stratford:

1. That it is cognizant of the town’s grant application to the connecticut department of children and families for funds to operate and support the local youth service bureau, and,

2. That it hereby authorizes, directs and empowers the mayor, laura r. Hoydick, or her designee to execute and deliver such grant application (including any amendments thereto) and/or any and all related documents necessary to apply for and obtain funding from the connecticut department of children and families, and to implement the program once the award is secured in the name of and on behalf of the town of stratford.

6.2.2 Resolution regarding u.s. department of justice grant to support stratford police department’s purchase of bulletproof vests
Executive summary: stratford police will be acquiring 33 bulletproof vests as part of its routine replacement program for a total cost of $26,829. The program has started to cover vests for recruits in the academy too. The doj bulletproof vest partnership covers half the cost, and the town covers the other half.

Sponsored by: Stratford Town Council

Whereas, the u.s. department of justice is authorized to extend financial assistance to municipalities in the form of grants; and,

Whereas, this funding has been made possible from the doj bulletproof vest partnership program; and,

Whereas, the town of stratford expends funds to purchase bulletproof vests to outfit its police officers; and,

Whereas, it is desirable and in the public interest that the town of stratford enter into an agreement with the u.s. department of justice bulletproof vest partnership in the amount of $13,414.50 requiring $13,414.50 in town match funds.

Now therefore, be it resolved by the town council of the town of Stratford:

1. That it is cognizant of the town’s grant application to the u.s. department of justice for funds to purchase bulletproof vests, and,

2. That it hereby authorizes, directs and empowers the mayor, laura r. Hoydick, or her designee to execute and deliver such grant application (including any amendments thereto) and/or any and all related documents necessary to apply for and obtain funding from the u.s. department of justice, and to implement the program once the award is secured in the name of and on behalf of the town of stratford.

6.2.3 Resolution regarding u.s. department of justice office of community oriented policing services (cops) grant to support stratford police department’s police engagement program training for other police agencies in connecticut
Executive summary: stratford police department proposes a police engagement program workshop series whereby our police engagement program (pep) leadership team of four sworn officers and one civilian would teach stratford police department’s curriculum of community engagement, de-escalation and crime prevention to sworn officers at 10 other police agencies in connecticut. The project includes acquiring and utilizing a custom-developed virtual reality program to maximize training effectiveness.

Sponsored by: Stratford Town Council

Whereas, the u.s. department of justice is authorized to extend financial assistance to municipalities in the form of grants; and,

Whereas, this funding has been made possible from the community policing development fy22 microgrants program; and,

Whereas, the town of stratford expends funds to train police officers within its own department and officers of other police agencies; and,

Whereas, it is desirable and in the public interest that the town of stratford enter into an agreement with the u.s. department of justice office of community oriented policing services in the amount of $217,848 requiring $0 in town matching funds.

Now therefore, be it resolved by the town council of the town of Stratford:

1. That it is cognizant of the town’s grant application to the u.s. department of justice for funds to train police officers of other agencies in its police engagement program, and,

2. That it hereby authorizes, directs and empowers the mayor, laura r. Hoydick, or her designee to execute and deliver such grant application (including any amendments thereto) and/or any and all related documents necessary to apply for and obtain funding from the u.s. department of justice, and to implement the program once the award is secured in the name of and on behalf of the town of stratford.

6.2.4 Resolution regarding a u.s. department of justice office of community oriented policing services (cops) grant for contracting with a behavioral health services firm to provide a social worker full-time at stratford police department

To serve members of the community who are in need of such services and to provide crisis intervention training for stratford police.
Executive summary: this project is a stratford police department and stratford community services department collaboration. Stratford police would contract with a behavioral health services company that would provide a licensed clinical social worker, or similar professional, to work full-time at spd. That person would respond promptly to persons in the community who are in a behavioral health crisis, become engaged with police and risk the safety of themselves, police and others. Further, the grant provides for six spd sergeants to be trained in crisis intervention team.

Sponsored by: stratford town council

Whereas, the u.s. department of justice is authorized to extend financial assistance to municipalities in the form of grants; and,

Whereas, this funding has been made possible from the community policing development fy22 implementing crisis intervention teams program; and,

Whereas, the town of stratford expends funds to provide social worker services to members of the community and expends funds to train police personnel; and,

Whereas, it is desirable and in the public interest that the town of stratford enter into an agreement with the u.s. department of justice office of community oriented policing services in the amount of $351,337 requiring $0 in town matching funds.

Now therefore, be it resolved by the town council of the town of stratford:

1. That it is cognizant of the town’s grant application to the u.s. department of justice for funds to provide social worker services to the community and to train police personnel, and,

2. That it hereby authorizes, directs and empowers the mayor, laura r. Hoydick, or her designee to execute and deliver such grant application (including any amendments thereto) and/or any and all related documents necessary to apply for and obtain funding from the u.s. department of justice, and to implement the program once the award is secured in the name of and on behalf of the town of stratford.

7. New business

7.1 To consider and act upon a request of the beautification committee of the stratford town council to be made a codified body.

7.2 To consider and act upon authorizing the mayor to explore the potential use of the morgan francis property (576 east broadway) as open space.

7.3 To consider and act upon the favorable recommendation of the planning commission for the potential sale of parcel 4009050008 (1000 east broadway) pursuant to the 8-24 review. (presentations/proposals can be found here:

7.4 Purchase of sikorsky memorial airport – executive session requested

8. Adjournment

Spirit Proposal

June 24, 2022

Ms. Mary Dean

Economic & Community Development Director Town of Stratford

2725 Main Street,

Stratford, CT 06615

RE: RFP #2022‐01 – Revised Tax Ordinance

Dear Mary Dean:

In reference to your email on June 15th regarding the updated Tax Abatement Ordinance which the Town Council revised in March 2022, we have provided the below analysis showing the difference between a 10‐ year PILOT and a 6‐year PILOT.

Full Taxes Abatement % Taxes Paid


Tax Savings
















$924,008 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,201,488 80%                   70%            60%            50%                   40%            30%            20%

$184,802  $310,500  $414,000  $517,500  $621,000  $724,500  $961,190


$739,206  $724,500  $621,000  $517,500  $414,000  $310,500  $240,298

Total Tax Savings

Present Value of Tax Savings



Full Taxes Abatement % Taxes Paid


Tax Savings
















$924,008 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,201,488 80%                   60%            40%            20%                   0%              0%              0%

$184,802  $414,000  $621,000  $828,000 $1,035,000 $1,035,000 $1,201,488


$739,206  $621,000  $414,000  $207,000                                                                           $0                                                                           $0                                                                           $0

Total Tax Savings                                                                                    $4,753,230

Present Value of Tax Savings                                                                                    $4,067,064

Difference in total Tax Savings                                                                                     $1,585,798

Difference in Present Value                                                                                     $1,084,113

As you can see from the above schedule, the difference in a 10‐year PILOT versus a 6‐year PILOT results in approximately $1,585,798 in additional taxes paid over the same period. On a present value basis, that difference is worth approximately $1,084,113 in today’s dollars.                                      Assuming no additional factors have changed, we would need to reduce our proposed Purchase Price proportionately from $1,625,000 to

$550,000 to account for the difference.

As always, we would welcome your thoughts on alternative ways to make up the difference other than a reduction in Purchase Price.

Lastly, as previously communicated, our team is excited to see this project through fruition and welcome any thoughts or concerns on the above or prior submissions.


Scott D. Zwilling

Managing Principal, Spirit Investment Partners

Romano Proposal

Harlow, Adams & Friedman,

Attorneys at Law

Dana Eric Friedman, Theodore H. Shumaker, James N. Nugent Joseph A. Kubic.

James R. Winkel, Andrew W. Skolnick, Michael T. Dolan.

William D. Harlow (1921-1988) George W. Adams, III (retired)

One New Haven Avenue, Suite 100, Milford, CT 06460

Telephone: 203.878.0661

Facsimile: 203.878.9568

Facsimile: 203.301.5057

website: e-mail: [email protected]

Via Email: [email protected]

Ms. Mary Dean

Economic & Community Development Director Town of Stratford

2725 Main Street

Stratford, CT 06615

July 6, 2022

Re:       Town of Stratford Request for Proposal #2022-01 Redevelopment of Town Owned Property, 1000 East Broadway, Stratford, CT

Stratford Center Tmnsit Oriented Development Project Proposal of Romano Brothers Builders, LLC

Dear Ms. Dean,

With this letter, please find Team Romano’s new numbers and revised financial stack. These numbers take into account the recent amendment to the Town’s Tax Abatement Ordinance (191-11 Incentive Programs) reducing the maximum abatement time period to six years. At your request, we have removed the 10% affordable aspect we proposed on June 27, 2022 in an attempt to comply with the Planning Commission’s request that 10% of the units be designated affordable to meet the requirements of C.G.S. Section 8-30g.

Team Romano’s new proposed purchase price is $1,694,000.00.

Please note that because of rising interest rates the assumed cost of funds has been adjusted upwards.




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