Friday, July 26, 2024

State Approves $1.6 million Funding Request for Flood Reduction Work


Bruce Brook Upgrades Approved

State Democrat Lawmakers Push for Funding

The Town of Stratford won state approval of its $1.6 million funding request for flood reduction work along Bruce Brook.  The approval of the town’s grant project was made by the board of directors of the state’s new Community Investment Fund (CIF) – a group led by top lawmakers including State Representative Joe Gresko and State Representative Phil Young.

Gov. Ned Lamont is expected to sign off on the approved projects within 60 days, according to House Speaker and CIF Co-Chair Matt Ritter (D-Hartford).

The grant will be used to improve pipes, culverts and concrete channels of Bruce Brook in the area of Boston Avenue and Bowe Avenue, in order to reduce the frequency and severity of flooding that affects numerous streets in that neighborhood. This specific project is part of a larger, multi-phased project from Boston Avenue to the south end of Bruce Avenue that the Town is undertaking in response to storm water flooding. The town plans to request more grant funding from the CIF for the additional phases of the project.

“We have been working hard to develop plans to reduce flooding in neighborhoods along Bruce Brook, and this funding will help us construct this project without needing to raise taxes to pay for it,” Hoydick said. “I am grateful to the state legislature’s new Community Investment Fund directors and Governor Lamont for recognizing the importance of this project for our residents, and my compliments to Town Engineer John Casey who is leading the development of the project.”

Stratford’s project was one of only 26 approved for funding from 183 applications submitted by municipalities around the state. Total approved funding in this first round is $76 million. The CIF has a mandate to approve up to $875 million in projects and grants over a five-year period.

“This is phase one of a multi-year project and I thank Speaker Ritter for keeping Stratford a priority over the next five years to completion. This project funding is of particular importance as we deal with sea level rise and resiliency.” According to Rep. Gresko

CIF was established in the 2021 biennial state budget to create new economic development opportunities in underserved communities. Over the next five years, CIF will provide a total of up to $875 million to support small businesses, education, housing, and infrastructure projects in eligible municipalities as well as community development corporations and nonprofits that serve these communities. Each year, the CIF board may approve up to $175 million.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at the Capitol at 800-842-0363 or email me at [email protected].


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