Thursday, January 2, 2025

Stratford Housing Debacle


By Dave Mullane

Editor’s Note: On November 7th, 8th and 9th: the Stratford Housing Authority Opens wait list for Senior Housing. The Stratford Housing Authority number is: (203) 375-4483

Let Stratford SHA develop the Ella Grasso complex for local seniors and veterans!

From this month’s SHA (Stratford Housing Authority minutes) “Paul Hoydick reported that the maintenance staff has been busy with inspection work orders and vacant units. He estimated that there may be a total of 65 vacant units this year.”

How can there be 65 vacant units? People are homeless?

Back in 2015 SHA Chairman Malloy brought Paul Hoydick into SHA employment by hiring him has a “construction consultant” and prior to being exposed as fraudulently still serving as SHA chairman in 2017 Malloy made Hoydick the Maintenance Director of Housing how can Hoydick explain there being 65 vacant units in SHA when people need a place to live, and the cold weather is coming now too. WTF?

Now onto the Ella Grasso property. The minutes speak for themselves:


Chairman Crudo reported that he spoke to State Representative Gresko about the Ella Grasso property, who expressed to the Chairman that he is also frustrated with the length of time this process is taking. Chairman Crudo was informed that this property is deed restricted for either senior housing or veterans housing.

Commissioner Sonja Devitt asked if we have received an answer to whether or not the Authority will have to compete with private developers if Stratford gets this property.  Chairman Crudo stated that he was told in a previous conversation that it would be a competitive bid process.

Commissioner Devitt stated that several commissioners have been fairly emphatic that they do not want this project railroading ahead with us having to compete with private developers without having a chance to sit down and discuss this with the Mayor. She added that as long as she is on the board, she wants to emphasize that we should be informed if this will definitely be a competitive bid process, and if it is not, we need to request a seat at the table.

Chairman Crudo assured Commissioner Devitt that he will make certain we know ahead of time. Commissioner Beth Daponte asked if we can invite State Representative Gresko to our next board meeting. She believes that one way to avoid the issue of competitive bidding is to ask the state to transfer the deed directly to the Stratford Housing Authority. “This way, we would have a more compelling case than the Town of Stratford, given the state’s emphasis on affordable housing.” Chairman Crudo stated that he will extend the invite to State Representative Gresko. “


If Mayor Hoydick really wants to help Stratford Seniors and veterans, she should sit down with SHA and work out a plan instead trying to give the property to a private developer.

The optics of these minutes makes it look like the SHA already has 65 vacant units so there’s no need to give them the Ella Grasso property to help seniors and veterans stay in Stratford.

For complete minutes click here:…/SHARegMtgMinutes.10242022…


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