Editorial Note: The dates and times of the public hearing are Statutorily defined, and not up to the Wetland Committee
The Stratford Inland Wetlands Commission will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, located at 2725 Main Street, Stratford, Connecticut pursuant to notice duly given and posted to hear the following:
2022-23: Clearcutting inland wetlands and upland review area without the benefit of a permit. Proposed construction of a single-family dwelling and associated infrastructure. Map 5.18, Block 3, Lot 22 James Farm Road. Violator/Applicant: Willie McAllister
2023-20: Nineteen Lot Residential Subdivision. Address: North of Broadbridge Avenue, West of Ronald Road, West of Teakwood Drive, East of Ridgefield Drive. Assessor’s Reference: Map 20.13, Block 1, Lot 1. Applicant: Teakwood Estates LLC
A copy of the proposed application is available for public review in the Conservation Division of Public Works located at 550 Patterson Avenue, Stratford, Connecticut; and online at stratfordct.gov/IWWC.
The public hearing will be immediately followed by a regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission.
Ed Scinto, Vice-Chairman, Stratford Inland Wetlands Commission
Special Message: Any individual with a disability who needs special assistance to participate in the public hearing should contact the ADA coordinator at (203) 385-4020 or 385-4022 (TDD), Five (5) days before the scheduled meeting, if possible.