Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Greenway/Complete Streets Subcommittee of the Stratford Planning Commission


Special meeting on Wednesday October 6, 2021 via GoToMeeting

Discussion of Complete Streets Policy & Greenway Plans 
Chairman Harold Watson stated that contractors working on the road should be careful to leave the sites either blocked off or safe for cyclists. He stated that the State DOT maintains an accident log, and requested a member volunteer to organize such a log for Stratford.
Editor’s Note: Bikers Beware!!! Town and State Oversight Results in Accident
This discussion was precipitated by a member of the Housatonic Greenway and Complete Streets Committee in Stratford involved in a bike accident at Elm Street and Ferry Boulevard after paving the town contractors for the project didn’t put cones up indicating that the edges of the street was not level, instead having a 3 inch drop which propelled him off his bike and broke his jaw.

Chairman Watson noted that the Town of Stratford has a right to request Complete Streets on State-owned roads. He suggested creating a master list of roads being repaired within Town.

John Casey, Town Engineer, stated Mayor Hoydick’s office is the prime contact for DOT projects, adding the DOT does not usually involve the Town in their projects. Casey explained the Town’s Stratford Avenue project, and noted the long-term plans include a 5-foot bike path on Stratford Avenue.

George Perham questioned the definition of a pathway on a proposed greenway. Watson stated that it is a phased building of the greenway. He added the goal should be a 20-mile path in Town to develop a culture for cyclists.

Tom Dillon questioned if, when the Route 1 bridge on Barnum Ave. Ext. is replaced, there will be a bike path. Chairman Watso,n said it will as it is part of the Complete Streets project.

Casey stated there will be walkways on both sides. Attota explained that the DOT is reluctant to have bike lanes on high speed roads and intersections, and has rules and regulations for such.

Status of Projects
Attota explained the Phase 2 Complete Streets study will begin soon. CIP funding is available, and the MetroCOG board approved $2.5 million for implementation. The Town is awaiting DOT approval for the Phase 1 90% design. Construction for that is scheduled for April 2022. According to Attota, the preliminary design study for Phase 3 along Ferry Blvd. will cost approximately $50,000. The P&Z office will put it in their proposed budget for FY2023. Perham stated that a schematic design was already done. Attota explained that a preliminary design is needed next, but would be less intense workload than Phase 1.


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