Saturday, February 15, 2025

Stratford Library Kids Events


January Events for Kids

Winter Storytimes

Storytimes meet at 10:30 a.m.

On Mondays, Toddler Time meets for ages 0-2

On Tuesdays, Preschool Storytime meets for ages 3-5

Baby Lapsit meets on Thursdays for babies 0-18 months

Friday Fun offers stories and songs for ages 2-5

Registration required

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. offers weekly story times for children. Enjoy early literacy activities and meet other families at Library story times. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Book Scientists

Ages 3-12

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. offers Book Scientist kits for children. Each kit includes books and activities. Books are selected based on the age of the child participating. This month the theme is Black History (January 31). Return the Library books when they are due and keep everything else! To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Ready for Kindergarten Grab ‘n’ Go

Ages 4-6

Registration is required

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering Ready for Kindergarten grab ‘n’ go activity kits for children. Each month’s kit will offer a different activity to prepare your preschooler for Kindergarten. Pick up for the January activity kit will begin on Wednesday, January 15. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Math Grab’N’Go Kit

Ages 6-9

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Math Grab ‘N’ Go kit for children. This month’s theme will be Multiplication. Each kit will come with informational lessons and activities about the topic. Pick up for the kits will begin on Wednesday, January 22. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Preschool Art: Lunar New Year

Ages 3-7

Saturday, January 25 at 2:30pm

Registration required

Join the Stratford Library Children’s Dept. for some Lunar New Year fun. Preschool Art will meet in the Children’s Program Room. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Learn to Crochet

All students ages 8 to adult are welcome

Sunday, January 26 at 2 p.m.

Registration recommended

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering beginner’s crochet lessons; supplies are provided. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Nutmeg Book Group

Grades 4 to 6

Book discussion on Monday, January 27 at 6 p.m.

January’s pick will be “Tumble”. Read the book, then join us for a book discussion on Monday, January 27 at 6 p.m. at the Library. A copy of the book is provided in advance to registered participants courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Boredom Busters Grab ‘N’ Go Kit

Ages 5-12

Pick-ups will begin on Wednesday, January 29

Registration required

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Boredom Buster activity kit. To register for a kit, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit


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