Zoning Commission Hearing
Minutes from August 22nd Meeting
There was a Public Hearing on the petition of 600 Silver Lane LLC seeking to create a new section 33 titled Church Repurposing Development to allow for residential development at former church sites They were seeking a change of zone from an RS-3 to a Church Repurposing District (CRD).
According to their Site Plan Review they wanted to convert a former church and rectory to five (5) residential apartments and construct ten (10) detached single-family homes in a CRD Zone – Attorney Belis, representing petitioner, discussed previous application which included affordable housing.
He submitted maps which depicted fourteen (14) housing units – three (3) residential in church ten (10) single family and one (1) in rectory. Two of which are affordable in agreement of May 2, 2022. Submitted first modified settlement agreement and general release dated 5-2-2022. Submitted property revision of zoning regulations, site development plan, traffic impact study and Inland Wetland approval.
K. Hua, traffic engineer, submitted traffic study, and Frank DelVecchio, appraiser, discussed property value in area and noted that it will have no effect. Nick Owens discussed the Town of Stratford Architectural Review Board recommendations, referred to site plan, and noted they are in agreement with all except for vinyl siding. Discussion was also held on trees and shrubbery, sidewalks and removal of trees.
Attorney Belis also discussed the settlement agreement with Town and the proposed sewer system, which will have to go before WPCA.
Opposing The Petition:
• J. Guttman, 620 Silver Lane, traffic concerns and feels this application should be tabled.
• Balarino, 325 Cannon Drive, traffic concerns
• L. Dancho, 30 Ruby Lane, Councilwoman, is not for or against, but is concerned with clearcutting and suggest elimination of one (1) stand-alone house and change units in church to six (6) single family or studio units. Attorney Belis noted that you cannot propose anything which was not agreed upon in proposal.
Seeing no other members of the public speaking in favor or opposition of this application, Mr. Fredette made a motion to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Francis. The motion carried unanimously
Cannabis Debated:
A petition of Zayna Francis seeking to amend Section 15B to update cannabis use definitions to allow for various cannabis related manufacturing products at 724 Honeyspot Road. The petition of Zayna Francis is seeking Special Case approval to establish a food and beverage cannabis product manufacturer in a MA Zone. Attorney Barry Knott, representing petitioner, distributed and reviewed photographs of property, Metro Cog map, site plan, Section 15.B.2 zoning regulations definitions, floor plan, odor management plan, security plan, and letter from Economic Development, Certificates of Mailings and photograph of signage. He discussed Mr. Habansky’s recommendations noting there will be wholesale no retail on premises – hours will be 8-8:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, and , 8-5:00 p.m. Saturday.
• Mr. Z. Mecier spoke in favor of application.
Seeing no other members of the public speaking in favor or opposition of this application, Mr. Fredette made a motion to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr.Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously
Shangri-La CT Inc has also submitted a petition for 305 Hathaway Drive seeking Special Case approval to establish a cannabis producer, food & beverage manufacturer, product packager, delivery service, and transporter facility in a MA Zone. Attorney Knott, representing petitioner, distributed and reviewed photographs of property, site plan, floor plan, and potential Planning and Zoning questions with answers. Submitted Certificate of Mailing and photograph of signage.
He discussed FEMA regulations noting that Inland Wetland has approved application. He referred to questions posed by Mr. Habansky also noting at full production there will be approximately 120 employees. He also discussed Jay Habansky’s criteria in Section 20.2.1 for evaluating a Special Case, and discussed conditions of approval noting odor control plan can be scrutinized by all departments.
• Z Mecier addressed air quality and odor control.
Seeing no other members of the public speaking in favor or opposition of this application, Mr. Francis made a motion to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Fredette. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fredette made a motion to close the Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lamberti. The motion carried unanimously.
Administrative Session
600 Silver Lane: Petition of 600 Silver Lane LLC seeking to create a new section 33 titled Church Repurposing Development to allow for residential development at former church sites – Mr. Fredette made a motion to take Text Amendment off table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve the Text Amendment due to consistency with the Plan of Conservation and Development – eight (8) units per acre not to exceed six (6) one bedroom or studio units in church and nine (9) stand-alone houses and one(1) unit in rectory. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
600 Silver Lane – Petition of 600 Silver Lane LLC seeking a change of zone from an RS-3 to a Church Repurposing District (CRD). Mr. Fredette made a motion to take zone change off the table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve Zone Change due to consistency with the Plan of Conservation and Development. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Francis. The motion carried unanimously.
600 Silver Lane – Petition of 600 Silver Lane LLC seeking a Site Plan Review to convert a former church and rectory to five (5) residential apartments and construct ten (10) detached single-family homes in a CRD Zone – Mr. Fredette made a motion to take 600 Silver Lane off table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Francis. The motion carried unanimously.
Bottom Line: Fredette made a motion to approve sixteen (16) units not to exceed six (6) one bedroom or studio units in church and nine (9) stand-alone houses, one (1) unit in rectory and Architectural Review Board recommendations be followed. Also sidewalks, privacy fencing and vegetation buffer be installed along property lines. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
Cannabis: Petition of Zayna Francis seeking to amend Section 15B to update cannabis use definitions to allow for various cannabis related manufacturing products – Mr. Fredette made a motion to take Text Amendment off the table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Francis made a motion to approve Text Amendment according to Section 15B definitions of General Statues. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fredette. The motion carried unanimously.
724 Honeyspot Road – Petition of Zayna Francis seeking Special Case approval to establish a food and beverage cannabis product manufacturer in a MA Zone – Mr. Fredette made a motion to take 724 Honeypot Road off the table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve 724 Honeyspot Road due to consistency with the Plan of Conservation and Development with stipulations defined by Mr. Habansky. The motion was seconded by Mr Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
305 Hathaway Drive – Petition of Shangri-La CT Inc seeking Special Case approval to establish a cannabis producer, food & beverage manufacturer, product packager, delivery service and transporter facility in a MA Zone – – Mr. Fredette made a motion to take 305 Hathaway Drive off the table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve 305 Hathaway Drive adhering to comments and conditions provided by Mr. Habansky and Town Engineer. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
Coastal Site Plan Review –
724 Honeyspot Road – Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.
305 Hathaway Drive. Mr. Fredette made a motion to approve with stipulation with dry flood proofing, generator be moved out of flood zone, flood emergency plan be in place and maintenance of sediment and control. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.