Saturday, September 7, 2024

Army Engine Plant Demolition and Remediation


Special Zoning Commission Meeting
July 24th, 2024

The Stratford Zoning Commission held a Special meeting on Wednesday to vote on demolition and remediation activities for 550 Main Street, the former Army Engine Plant.

All petitions submitted by Point Stratford Renewal LLC were approved by the Commission.


  • Petition of Point Stratford Renewal LLC seeking a Coastal Site Plan Review for the stockpiling & placement of fill regarding remediation activities & to elevate the site for redevelopment.
  • Petition of Point Stratford Renewal LLC seeking an Erosion & Sediment Controls Review for the stockpiling & placement of fill regarding remediation activities & to elevate the site for redevelopment.
  • Petition of Point Stratford Renewal LLC seeking an Erosion & Sediment Controls Review for the demolition/remediation activities & related site work
  • Petition of Point Stratford Renewal LLC seeking an Erosion & Sediment Controls Review for the demolition/remediation activities & related site work.


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