Sunday, October 27, 2024

Connecticut State Session Round-Up


State Representative Laura Dancho (R)
120th Connecticut House District

Committees: Environment; Finance, Revenue & Bonding; Transportation

  • Supporting Our Police
  • Fighting for Our Seniors: Retirement Benefits
  • Bunnell High School Basketball Champs
  • St. Mark School Capitol Tour

Supporting Our Police

Recently, I helped pass two pro-police bills that allow our officers to carry out their investigative duties without unnecessary legislative restrictions and support the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

First, I supported HB 5055:

  • Which concerns data reporting requirements and protects officers from unfair and unfounded public attacks 
  • or disparagement before the alleged reasons for discipline have been verified.

Second, I voted in favor of SB 341, which establishes a Fallen Officer Fund and provides health insurance  coverage for survivors of a police officer killed in the line of duty. Our law enforcement officers serve us every day and this is the least we can do to repay them for their service in keeping us safe.

Fighting for Our Seniors: Retirement Benefits

Last week, I proudly stood against a bill that would have increased the default contribution level from 3% to 5% to the Connecticut Retirement Security Program without the ability to opt-out of these contributions.

Bunnell High School Basketball Champs

I was honored to join my colleagues in hosting the 2024 CIAC Division III State Boys Basketball Champion team from my alma mater, Bunnell High School! A special thanks to our teammates, Athletic Director Wayne Thrall, and Principal Katie Graf for their hard work, leadership, and for joining us at the state capitol!

St. Mark School Capitol Tour

It was great to see Mrs. Rodriguez return with her very well-behaved 4th graders from St. Mark School for a tour of the state capitol. We learned about history, our role as lawmakers, and what issues are important to our next generation of leaders. I hope to see you again soon!

Don’t Forget: My work in Hartford address a wide variety of topics that matter to YOU. As always, please never hesitate to reach out to me with your questions, ideas, and concerns so that I can continue making your voice heard in Hartford!


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