Friday, July 26, 2024

Ethics and Stratford Town Hall


Letters To The Editor

By Dave Mullane

Meeting Notice/Agenda Ethics Commission Special Meeting The Ethics Commission will meet on October 4, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. in the Employee Lounge (Room L013) of Stratford Town Hall.”

The Ethics Commission has a meeting this Tuesday October 4th. They have 3 vacant positions, and it is really a useless commission that serves no purpose. They should be electing a Chairman, Vice Chair and a Secretary at the annual meeting in October but Tuesday is listed as a Special meeting.

One thing on the agenda is “Discuss any revisions needed in Ethics Code” That could be interesting. I was appointed to the Ethics commission by the Town Council in May 2017 however myself like everyone else that year were never sworn in by the Town Clerk, so we really weren’t official, but we didn’t do anything anyway. I saw them as just a gossip group who were more concerned with having a bio on the Town’s web page and having the title Ethics commissioner.

In the fall of 2017, I did see evidence of fraud in Town Hall involving Housing Chairman Tom Malloy, Republican Registrar Lou Decilio and Town Clerk Susan Pawluk. I made mention of it to Ethics Chairman Kulhawik and request he inform newly elected Mayor Hoydick. Kulhawik said if I had an issue, I would need to make a formal complaint. Since it involved voter fraud, I made a formal complaint with the State Elections Enforcement Commission but realizing that could be a long process I then made a formal complaint with Stratford Ethics Commission. Ethics did nothing and the SEEC took over 2 years and blew off most of the evidence and just fined Malloy $300 hoping it would end the matter.

With all the concern about election fraud and abuse it was surprising how nothing was done about Decilo or Pawluk because they enabled Malloy’s fraud.

I’ve come to see that Town Hall is run by the RTC with little DTC push back, so the Republicans get away with a lot of stuff and some are not held accountable for bad acts.

The Rotary has the saying “Service before Self” with Decilio and the RTC crew it’s “self-interest before town service.  They try to get away with as much as they can and benefit themselves as much as they can, if they get caught, they just try to distract you or cover up their misdeeds because they control Town Hall and they can do it.

Of course, they don’t have total control and they’ve lost some spots like the 120th seat and the Probate Judge but they do have their scams with making registrars full time and the CEP cash ever two years they got that gravy train down to a science.

There are no ethics in Stratford Town Hall. More time and effort was made trying to smear me for a $10 donation last year than the years of RTC fraud in Town Hall.


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