Friday, October 25, 2024

General Election for U.S. House


Michael Massey (R)

Connecticut District 3

Bio: Michael Massey (R)

My name is Michael Massey, a longtime resident of New Haven, Connecticut, and I am running for U.S. Congress in Connecticut’s 3rd District. I am a businessman, father, husband, and a man of faith. I bring a deep connection to urban communities and have spent the last eight years preparing and organizing this campaign. As an America First candidate, I represent a new wave of Black urban voters seeking to transform deep blue districts. — (picture attached) 

  • Which office are you running for, and why?

I am running for U.S. Congress in Connecticut’s 3rd District to enact real change in Washington and to demonstrate how urban blue cities can turn red. My unique policy proposals are designed to challenge current thinking on illegal immigration, abortion, government spending, and the need for Republican leadership. I am committed to showing urban communities that Republican values align with their needs and aspirations.

  • What are your qualifications for this position?

 As a lifelong resident of New Haven, a business owner, and a writer, I bring not only my personal connection to this community but also diverse life experiences that resonate with people across the district. I represent a growing Republican voting bloc and offer a fresh perspective that many can relate to. My qualifications are rooted in my lived experiences, my work, and my vision for a stronger, more unified Republican Party.  

  • What is your vision for Stratford’s future?

Although I am running for national office, my policy priorities have a direct impact on local communities like Stratford. I advocate for defunding illegal immigration and redirecting those funds to provide baby bonuses to American families. I also propose reallocating funds from the Department of Education to give bonuses to families whose children achieve academic success. These policies will strengthen families and promote educational excellence in communities like Stratford.  

  • What do you believe can be your greatest contribution to Stratford in this new position?

My greatest contribution will be reshaping the future of the Republican Party nationwide, starting by challenging the stronghold of liberal policies in urban areas. My success will inspire others from urban communities to step forward and run for office, ending the dominance of leaders who have neglected these cities. My policies will reduce wasteful government spending, present a compelling alternative to the current abortion debate, and promote closing the border and defunding illegal immigration to prioritize support for American families through baby bonuses. With Trump leading the charge, I intend to help drive this movement and bring substantial, lasting change.


  1. RE: Beautiful ‘n Just cuttng-edge Redemption continues to creatively unfold

    Thanks, SC, for sharing a spotlight upon this most worthy man/District 3 Candidate.

    While he currently maintains a noble, uphill battle for victory & success
    (including headwinds, sadly, of a paucity of Ntl GOP resources),
    He is certainly doing his fare share in attempting to shatter the sclerotic blue grip upon NewEng-Northeast’s Federal Office level representation(s)—> One of THE Last Regional Bastions of ‘Non-Diverse Electoral Outcome’ acceptability!

    [To wit, perpetuation of such monolithic, status quo results, inherently leads to legions &/or folds of quietly disenfranchised Voters—@ RCs, & others, who strive to hold & maintain presently out-of-vogue Judeo-Christian VALUEs]


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