Friday, July 26, 2024

Get your Creative Juices Flowing


New On-line Workshops

Arts Alliance of Stratford

Imagination Practice
Thursday, May 27, 2021 @ 6:15 pm – 9:15 pm
Zoom Videoconferencing

CONTACT: Megan McCool
1 session

Arts Alliance of Stratford members: $30
Non members: $35
(7 students minimum)
Beginner to advanced artists of any medium welcome.

Like any muscle, your imagination gets stronger with use and weaker when neglected. Using specially designed tools to unlock the power of your creativity we will journey deep into the realm of your subconscious mind, strengthen the parts of your brain in charge of imagination and practice exercises and tools that help artists that work in any medium liberate their artistic impulses from their second-guesser mind. Whether you’re a writer or a painter, a chef or a trapeze artist, a mom or a model, these fun and practical exercise will set your brain on fire, melt creative blocks and become part of your creativity tool box for the rest of your life.

About the instructor: Brian Hogan is a guest lecturer and program coordinator at Sacred Heart University’s Graduate Film/TV & Screenwriting Program. He has released multiple award-winning short films and a two-hour award winning TV pilot screenplay. He is also a Creativity and Clarity Coach specializing in helping artists and creatives find clarity and move past blocks as they discover and honor their own artistic processes. For more about Brian see

On Thursday, June 3rd in a Zoom meeting from 6:15 – 9:15pm there will be a session on Creative Writing: Dissolving Creative Blocks Through Paradox.

For further information, go to:


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